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Barry Jantz

Sunday San Diego

This Sign Does Not Point to the Red Light District… One of the most intriguing, if not somewhat comical San Diego political stories in recent memory is the saga of the sign posted against Maggie Houlihan. Houlihan, a councilmember in Encinitas, is not even facing re-election this year, yet is dealing with an angry constituent who posted a very large sign on his property along the freeway claiming the lady is a…well…a whore.


The Union-Trib’s Logan Jenkins penned a great piece on the travails of Maggie and her sign nightmare in yesterday’s paper, even referencing P.J. O’Rourke’s 2003 “Parliament of Whores” as a primer on politics.Read Jenkins’ "Another Sign of Incivility in Encinitas" here.

It should be noted that I have met Maggie Houlihan.She is a nice lady, any philosophical leanings aside. There is nothing to suggest any ill-repute on… Read More

Barry Jantz

“I wouldn’t kick him out of my bed.”… Did Bonnie Garcia really say that?

Sometimes you just can’t make this stuff up. Did I miss this in the FlashReport before, or did we all miss it?

I’ll let Riverside FR Correspondent Barry Nestande weigh in with an analysis of the impact, if any, on the AD 80 race, but we can’t ignore it in the meantime.The Desert Sun runs a piece today alleging that Assemblywoman Bonnie Garcia told a class of high schoolers that she wouldn’t kick the Governor out of bed.

Hey, I’m the first to hold off on something before I hear the other side, but it looks as if Bonnie isn’t denying the quote, just accusing those making hay out of it as trying to smear her (see follow-up article).

OK, I know that if she really said it she was only joking…with a group of underagers, but perhaps Arnold’s previous hot-blooded comments about her were on… Read More

Mike Spence

VOTER ALERT: You can’t Trust the California Republican Party’s Mail

First the California Republican Party hires Marty Wilson to do the State Party’s mail. Wilson denies Yes on Prop. 90 a space on the mail unless they pay big money, while at the same time is on the payroll of the No on 90 people (See here).

Now there is another outrage from the California Republican Party. At the last CRP convention, the CRP Initiatives Committee (I serve as the committee’s chairman) refused to endorse Proposition 1D. We, instead, took a neutral position. Prop. 1D is this November’s scheme to fork over billions more in bonds for schools. The entire California Republican Party State Central Committee then confirmed the Initiative Committee’s recommendation.

So what does the CRP do?

They send a mailer to Republican Permanent Absentee Votersendorsing Prop. 1D! That’s right. It doesn’t matter how the party’s delegates voted, the CRP consultants, along with the apparent acceptance of most of the CRP’s Board Members… Read More

Barry Jantz

Latest from Datamar

Datamar’s auto-responder has Arnold at 52.4%, Angelides at 34.9%. Yawn.

See the results here.… Read More

Mike Spence

Vote No on Joyce Kennard

Joyce Kennard is a badState Supreme Court Justice. She twice voted to invalidate the state’s parental consent law. That is why CRAis urging Californians to vote no. You can see the press release below.

Once I was asked by a reporter, if opposing judges based on the parental consent issue is valid. After all he thought it was only one issue. I asked him what would he think about a judge that was good on everything (Kennard is not by the way) but was against Freedom of thePress. He never answered.

Any judge thatbelieves the right to privacy means afourteen year old girl can be taken to an abortion business by her statutory rapist to get a a secret abortion that her parents will ever know about, despite the possibility of deadly complications deserves ano vote from California’s voters. That’s a pretty good single issue if you ask me.

California Republican Assembly Opposes Supreme Court Justice Reconfirmation

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Brandon Powers

Fighting Taxes At Home

Too often, when even some conservativeelectedstake office, they idly sit by and let things fall apart in their districts. Democrats take seats on City Councils and School Boards. Bonds and tax increases slip through without an active opposition.

As these things often would be controversial forelecteds to take active action against, they shy away from the fight.

Not Bob Huff.

This November there will appear a $38 million parcel tax measure to build a new library in Bob’s hometown of Diamond Bar. Measure L.

The “goo goo” (good government) types in Diamond Bar (including RINO Council members Wen Chang and Jack Tanaka) have pushed this thing to build a new monument to themselves.

Bob hasbeen active in campaigning against the tax, and has even bought slates to get his message out.

In addition,going beyond just attacking the tax increase, the good Assemblyman pointed out in an email to me that the library itself doesn’t make sense, considering: a)more and more people are turning to the internet, not… Read More

Jon Fleischman

We need 90 – Who takes someone’s home to build a theme park?

The Proposition 90 Campaign to end the abuse of ’eminent domain’ by government entities has launched a new televisions spot. It’s a powerful one that makes the message clear as it takes us into the living room of a family (to the left) who almost lost their home to a government taking — so that a developer could build an amusement park on their property! Check out the ad, linked below, or on the Yes on 90 Website. Assemblywoman Mimi Walters, the Chairman of the Yes on 90 Campaign, needs your help, so go to the website and do what you can. If you are a GOP volunteer, your GOTV materials will say Yes on 90 as that is the official position of the California Republican Party!… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Tom McClintock makes the case for why they are a bad deal…

I am going to make pitch for all FR readers to keep an eye (or a browser) trained on the blog of Chris Reed’s Blog at the San Diego Union Tribune Editorial Department, America’s Finest Blog (a humble name, no?). Chris pens a lot of great stuff, and shares great insight, which often times makes to to the pages of the FlashReport.

Anyways, I gave Chris the testimonial so that he will instantly forgive me for taking the entire text of his latest blog post (bad internet etiquette, for sure!) and placing it here. But I know Chris would want as many people as possible to read what he says after hearing Tom McClintock talk to the U-T Editorial Board about the bond measures on the November ballot. You can read the post here on Chris’ page, but the whole thing is here:

McClintock’s devastating bond critiqueRead More