Today’s Commentary: A house just ain’t a home unless you’re under attack
Let’s say you buy a bank-auctionedpiece of property in a slightly remote area with a junker of a house sitting on it, a fixer-upper at best. You put a significant amount of money and personal physical labor into it so as to make it your home, not simply a house. After the County Assessor shows up and completes a re-assessment of the property, your tax bill goes up significantly. You pay it.As time goes by, you pay all your property taxes as they progressively increase based on the limiting provisions of Prop. 13.
Years go by and you lose the home in a terrible fire. Through your long re-building process it becomes apparent the County Assessor failed all that time ago in adequately measuring the square footage of your then-house, thus under-assessing you in property taxes all those years.
A typical bureaucratic mess, resulting in a nightmare for you. Should you have known the professional county appraisers couldn’t handle a tape measure or do simple math? Would you have known such a thing? Your property tax bill doesn’t show your square footage.After all, the county did increase your assessment based on a physical inspection. They are… Read More