Kurzner Endorses Poizner
Bringing the race for California Insurance Commissioner full-circle, Steve Poizner just picked up the endorsement of Primary Challenger and all around classy guy, Dr. Phil Kurzner.
While the Primary race did increase in volume a few decibles, Phil nonetheless decided to bury the hatchet and lend his support to Steve’s ever-strengthening effort to beat Cruz Bustamante.
Phil sent over his thoughts to share with the FlashReport’s readers:
"Steve Poizner should be the next Insurance Commissioner of California. I have gotten to know Steve well over the past year. He has a rare combination of intelligence, integrity and commitment to helping the people of this great state. He has the ability to become an outstanding public servant. He and I share a commitment to the principles of the free market. Steve also demonstrates consistent common sense in his decisions. His qualifications for this office are extraordinary. On November… Read More