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Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Levee Levies, and Blaming Which Governor?

Dan Walters had a column in the Sac Bee yesterday highlighting some of the reasons why levees and flood control systems are not up to par. Governor Schwarzenegger is given due credit for declaring emergency conditions on the then 29 critical erosion sights, that number growing after receded waters and a summer spent surveying, discovered many more…over 100 and counting. $190 million in emergency funds plus $500 million more in an appropriation we passed in the legislature will carry us past the funding needed for the 100 critical erosion sights.

Dan points out that beyond fixing eroded sights also required isfixing the way government engages the problem. He lists several reasons that may be problematic but the fact that environmental extremists blocklong term flood control work is the point that is not discussed much in polite company.

Building new homes in flood plains is listed as an issue. Not mentioned is that new housing is needed and demanded and due to environmental concerns, land to build homes elsewhere is rare and difficult to obtain due to fairy shrimp, vernal pools, meadowfoam, and other… Read More

Jon Fleischman

AD80: Steve Clute and Higher Taxes

We’ve been following the donnybrook out in California 80’s Assembly District, where incumbent Republican Bonnie Garcia is battling off a stiff challenge from long-retired Democrat Assemblyman Steve Clute. If case you needed a reason (or a few) to oppose Clute’s candidacy, check out this television spot… … Read More

Congressman John Campbell

City of Irvine

OK, so as a member of Congress, I don’t often write about local city council races. But, I cannot sit by and watch my city councilwoman Christina Shea (pictured to the right) be so unjustly attacked by the left.

As a resident of Irvine for over 28 years, I can tell you that Christina has represented this city with honesty,integrity and dedication over many years. She has no agenda other than to serve Irvine’s residents ably in the future as she has in the past. She has been too often a lonely but needed voice for integrity and reason in the operation of Irvine’s government. A voice that some powerful interests seem determined to silence.

I’m going to vote for her. If you live in Irvine, I hope you will too.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Bruce McPherson hits the Airwaves

In his new television spot, Secretary of State Bruce McPherson pushes on an issue that definately separates him from his opponent — he supports having to show valid ID to vote, and she doesn’t. Check out the spot here: … Read More

Jon Fleischman

FR readers speaks up on Nancy Pelosi

Loyal FR friend and reader Mike German (pictured) ran against Nancy Pelosi at the GOP nominee in 2002. He sent in this tidbit about Nancy Pelso, which I wanted to share with you:

"I shake my head in disbelief every time some pundit or reporter newly tells "the Pelosi story." Leslie Stahl came close to getting at her true nature last week on 60 Minutes, but only scratched the surface. Well, maybe she did a good job after all, because surface is all there is with Li’l Nancy. Other than a talent for fundraising, and the occassional cleverRead More

Jon Fleischman

1966: Team Reagan & Finch
2006: Team Arnold & Tom

40 years ago today, Californians held an election for Governor and Lieutenant Governor. The winners that day were none other than the team of Ronald Reagan and Robert Finch. Finch went on to be named Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare by President Richard Nixon in 1966. Of course, Governor Reagan was re-elected in 1970, and went on to be elected President of the United States in 1980, and re-elected to another four years in 1984.

Next week, there will once again be an opportunity for Californians to elect a Republican Team to the positions of Governor and Liuetenant Governor. Arnold Schwarzenegger and Tom McClintock are our "Reagan and Finch" this year!… Read More

Jon Fleischman

WSJ’s John Fund on Walt Disney

A great piece from today’s Wall Street Journal Political Diary E-mail:

The Real Walt Disney

Walt Disney died 40 years ago this month, but his work continues to leave a huge imprint on American culture. A new biography by Neal Gabler provides a definitive look at the man and his legacy, including fascinating glimpses into his role as an authentic conservative hero who would no doubt be horrified by some of the politically correct stands taken today by the company that bears his name.

As a Horatio Alger figure who built an entertainment empire from nothing, Disney was often celebrated as a great entrepreneur. He firmly believed that… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Testing a YouTube Link/Arnold’s Latest Ad

I am testing my prowess at imbedding a video link from YouTube into a post on this blogsite. If it works right, this is Arnold Schwarzenegger’s new ad (t/y Bill Bradley).

Bill, I’m not sure that my running this ad on the ‘conservative’ FR is Steve Schmidt’s idea of ‘successful microtargeting’ — but hey, it was the most convenient video to grab :-)

Here it is – We’ll call this commercial "Bi-Bartisan" though it undoubtedly has a different actual name. … Read More