Levee Levies, and Blaming Which Governor?
Dan Walters had a column in the Sac Bee yesterday highlighting some of the reasons why levees and flood control systems are not up to par. Governor Schwarzenegger is given due credit for declaring emergency conditions on the then 29 critical erosion sights, that number growing after receded waters and a summer spent surveying, discovered many more…over 100 and counting. $190 million in emergency funds plus $500 million more in an appropriation we passed in the legislature will carry us past the funding needed for the 100 critical erosion sights.
Dan points out that beyond fixing eroded sights also required isfixing the way government engages the problem. He lists several reasons that may be problematic but the fact that environmental extremists blocklong term flood control work is the point that is not discussed much in polite company.
Building new homes in flood plains is listed as an issue. Not mentioned is that new housing is needed and demanded and due to environmental concerns, land to build homes elsewhere is rare and difficult to obtain due to fairy shrimp, vernal pools, meadowfoam, and other… Read More