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Mike Spence

California Family Council NO on the BONDS!!!

The drumbeat of oppostion to 1B- to 1E continues. The California FamilyCouncil is another pro-family group that works in the Capitol and local areas on a host of pro-family issues. They realize that the state’s bond debt is out of control. They are saying no to all of them. Check out their resources here.

Hopefully these grassroots groups can overcome the big money and star power selling these frauds.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Strickland Up By Two

Today the Strickland for Controller campaign released that their own internal tracking numbers on his race show that Strickland is now enjoying a 2% lead among likely voters — a four point swing from a little over a week ago when his Democrat opponent, John Chiang, was up by a similar margin. Of course, this illustrates exactly how close this race truly is — with momentum being an inportant issue.

Speaking of momentum, this latest bit of good news for Strickland comes as he is enjoying the front-end of a major, multi-million dollar independent expenditure on his behalf by Indian Tribes and other interests who clearly do not want to see the liberal Chiang in this important office. While Strickland ‘face time’ on the tube is going up, Chiang has had to cancel significant portions of his own statewide media buy — apparently his resources are lacking.

On a final note, according to the Strickland survey, 93% of Republican voters said they plan to vote, up from 86% a week ago. This is compared to only 86% of Democrats who said they plan to vote.

With Arnold Schwarzenegger trouncing Phil Angelides by as much as 20 points, the… Read More

Brandon Powers

Strickland Campaign Up On TV

Tony Strickland is beating his opponent, former IRS attorney John Chiang, in all aspects of their campaign.

First, he beat Chiang in the critical slate battle, having maneuvered to appear on about 50% more slates than Chiang.

Now, Strickland has beat Chiang up onto the air for a final TV blitz.

Tony is up with two good “bookend” spots (15-second, as opposed to 30-second ads to get more bang for the buck), one even featuring an endorsement from Rudy Guliani.

Tony’s campaign tells me that the ads have started in the LA market, and will stay up until Election Day. And, even with the plethora of IE’s playing in this race, Tony’s will be the ONLY ads in the Controller’s race to play in the LA market – which makes up some 40% of the electorate.

Plans are for the ads to spread further throughout the state.

That’s where FlashReport leaders can make a difference.

The ads will only spread as far as Tony has money to air them. And as Tony likes to say on the stump, his campaign is fully funded –… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Tom McClintock: A Public Life

With my new-found skill at putting YouTube videos up on the FR Blog, we may see a few interesting vidoes posted up on the site. Don’t worry, I will get bored with this soon.

Have you seen Tom McMcClintock’s video – "A Public Life" – yet? If you haven’t here it is — and when you are done, see how you can help McClintock get elected right here. [FYI – This great video runs almost 8 minutes long, so when you press play, depending on the speed of your connection to the internet, it may take a minute or two to load up. Well worth the wait!]Read More

Putting himself in play

The amateur political observer might look at a Rep. Duncan Hunter run for President and see a train wreck or more likely a train that won’t even make it out of the station.

But there is something to his campaign for Commander-in-Chief.

As a Member of Congress there are limitations on how he can impact broad public policy initiatives. But as a Secretary of Defense or National Security Advisor he would be in the big leagues. And that is where Rep. Hunter is likely aiming.

Look for Hunter to keep his rhetoric focused on issues and avoid personal attacks on any GOPer with a real shot at the top spot.

If he keeps his nose clean, head down, he could be the next CIA chief or whatever position of importance to national security in the next Republican Administration he wants.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

40th Anniversary of Ronald Reagan’s Election as California Governor

This morning, there was an event at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library commemorating the 40th Anniversary of Ronald Reagan’s first election to office – as Governor of California. There were many luminaries on hand at the library — including Nancy Reagan and many alumni of Reagan’s time as Governor and as President. (Reagan is pictured to the right being sworn in as California’s Governor.)

The keynote address for this important event was given by our own Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, who often has referred to Ronald Reagan as a role-model for his own life. Courtesy of your tax dollars, there is a streaming video of the event, and the Governor’s speech, available on the Governor’s official website. You can see the entire event… Read More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

California Club for Growth – Blows It On Their First Slate

The California Club For Growth has included liberal Democrat Margaret Mims on their paid slate mailer just two weeks before the November election. The liberal Mims, a candidate for Fresno County Sheriff, is opposed by Lincoln Club and Republican Central Committee endorsed Cal Minor in the upcoming election.

Mims also has the dubious distinction of opposing Proposition 85, and scored 100% on the Planned Parenthood voter guide. Although the California Club for Growth, like the Lincoln Club, is primarily an economic based political action committee, the conservatives on its board should be embarrased to be associated with Mims in any way.

10 minutes of vetting would have avoided this embarrassing miscue, and CCG should take their vendor to task for selling the slateto the highest bidder rather than checking the facts first. A visit to Mims website shows her endorsements, among them:

National Women’s Political Caucus Clovis Democratic Club Clovis Unaffiliated Employees Association Fresno Democratic Women’s Club Central Valley Progressive PAC San Joaquin Valley… Read More

Barry Jantz

Bilbray-Busby Redux?

By FR San Diego Correspondent Barry Jantz

Interestingly enough, the adjective "redux," meaning "brought back," comes from the Latin word "dux," meaning "leader" or "duke".

Duke. Well, at least we can be comforted in knowing that the current political contest in California’s 50th Congressional District will not result in a Duke Cunningham redux.

Bilbray-Busby IIis but a sad sequel to all its former glory. Also less confusing, considering the former ballot included both a special run-off to fill the remainder of Cunningham’s term as well as the respective party nominations for the next. By any reasonable watcher’s account, the June run-off was Francine Busby’s only chance, if there ever really was one.

Without as much fanfare as that which seemed to garner rapt attention in June, here are five reasons Brian Bilbray wins it like oiled silk a week from Tuesday:

If Democrats had a false hope in the primary that … Read More