Posted by Brandon Powers at 12:00 am on Oct 30, 2006 2 Comments
Tony Strickland is beating his opponent, former IRS attorney
John Chiang, in all aspects of their campaign.
First, he beat Chiang in the critical slate battle, having
maneuvered to appear on about 50% more slates than Chiang.
Now, Strickland has beat Chiang up onto the air for a final TV
Tony is up with two good “bookend” spots (15-second, as opposed
to 30-second ads to get more bang for the buck), one even featuring
an endorsement from Rudy Guliani.
Tony’s campaign tells me that the ads have started in the LA
market, and will stay up until Election Day. And, even with the
plethora of IE’s playing in this race, Tony’s will be the ONLY ads
in the Controller’s race to play in the LA market – which makes up
some 40% of the electorate.
Plans are for the ads to spread further throughout the
That’s where FlashReport leaders can make a difference.
The ads will only spread as far as Tony has money to air them.
And as Tony likes to say on the stump, his campaign is fully funded
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