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Jon Fleischman

Big Fresno Stop!

Fresno is Poochigan territory, and a ton of activists are here to welcome the Victory GOTV tour. Poochigian had warmed up the crowd as his bus got here before the McClintock/Strickland bus.

TS: “You all are making the difference. You all will put us over the top.

TM: “Its a choice between a leadership team that has a track record of reducing burdons, or increasing them. I believe that 78 hours from now, you won’t be able to call California the left coast anymore “I he is an incredible candidate and be the best ag the state has ever had.

The FR was pleased to see our good friend Jessica Millan, who heads up Central Valley staff operations for the CRP’s Victory Program. Jessica was running things, as you would expect her to!

Kenneth May, the Chairman of the Fresno County GOP was pretty pumped up about the event here, saying: “This is the best turnout we’ve ever had at any kind of volunteer effect.”

May and Milan both praised Tal Eslick, the local V6 Coordinator for his work at the Fresno HQ. Eslick is the past president of the Fresno “Bulldog” College Republicans.… Read More

Barry Jantz

Dem Nominee in AD 77 Quits?

No one ever said some of these legislative seats were competitive. Short of the suicide nominees from the minority party and a few of their family, friends and newbies, most watchers know who will win a gerry-bastarded district.

Shirley Horton has the most competitive legislative race in San Diego, no doubt. I still think she’s okay, and all the other incumbents are as safe as the proverbial babe in their mother’s arms.

Yet, an argument can be made that the easiest contest isn’t even an incumbent’s, but that being faced bythe guy who perhaps had the toughest primary…Joel Anderson.

His opponent in the 77th AD, Chris Larkin, is said to have taken a walk on the race. Insiders say that Larkin, also the nominee against Jay La Suer two years ago, was expecting the Dems to pour a cool million behind his efforts, and when that didn’t happen, he quit in somewhat of a hissy-fit. It looks as if he’s stopped filing any campaign financial statements, and his website is downas of this morning,… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Where’s John Garamendi?

We’ve verified that the lights are off and no one is home at the Garamdendi Statewide HQ in Sacramento. Guess his staff have taken the day off. I wonder where the ersatz LG is today?

On a separate note, the Fresno GOP HQ shares a parking lot with the main Fresno offices of the SEIU HQ. Guess what? No one’s home at the union hall, either. Guess they took the day off, too…… Read More

Jon Fleischman

FlashReport on the Road: On the bus statewide with our GOP Nominees

Today and tomorrow, I will be traveling with some of our GOP nominees as they barnstorm around the Golden State visiting and motivating GOP volunteers in Victory 06 Centers started from Sacramento this morning and ending in San Diego tomorrow night – with a lot of stops in between. I will be endeavoring to "live blog" as much as my fingers and my Blackberry will let me! It should be a lot of fun, and I’ll look forward to bringing you some interesting observations and insights… Today the GOP candidates traveling through the Central Valley (Sacramento, Stockton, Fresno and Bakersfield) include Liuetenant Governor nominee Tom McClintock, Controller nominee Tony Strickland, and Attorney… Read More

Jon Fleischman

America’s Mayor on Phones for Strickland

The Strickland campaign just went up with a message recorded by ‘America’s Mayor’ Rudy Giuliani. The message highlights Strickland’s opposition to tax increases, a stark contrast to his opponent John Chiang, who is supporting $6 billion dollars in tax increases on this years ballot and is sure to support even more taxes in the future.

It is a testament to Strickland’s breadth of support that a well known liberal Republican is so supportive of his campaign.… Read More

Matthew J. Cunningham

Californians United Keeps IEing Away For Otto Bade in the 34th SD

Californians United paid for another mail piece to Republicans urging them to vote for write-in candidate Ott Bade. This is the fourth mailer the Democratic independent expenditure group has spaid for since this weekend.

As I pointed out on Red County/OC Blog, Californians United has spent as much on Otto Bade in one week, as Otto was able to raise in an entire year for his own failed 2004 Assembly run.

Californians United also spent $30,000 on pro-Lou Correa cable TV ads.

Will this tactic succeed in its intent to tilt the race to Correa? It’s hard to say. I doubt Otto will accrue very many votes, but in a really close race that may be enough to make the difference. Also, but attacking Lynn Daucher from the right, Californians United may have a depressive effect on conservative Election Day voters planning to cast their ballots vote for Daucher — not that Democrats would ever —… Read More

Jon Fleischman

The Governor should campaign side-by-side in the final days with the GOP Ticket

As we go into the final five days of the 2006 election cycle, there is one thing that is clear — there is a lot that will come down to the wire in this California election… Of course, the big prize has already been won — Republican Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is not just going to be re-elected on Tuesday, he is going to be swept into a second term with what appears to be record levels of support. His opponent, Democrat Phil Angelides, was never able to convince his own party members, let alone centrist voters, that he could credibly run California’s large and complex government. He was defined by his policies and the acumen of Arnold’s team, as a taxer. No one is going to go far when their apparent solution for all of woes of the world is to increase the size and scope of government. At least not in America. I would first and foremost like to draw all FR readers to the feature column that we are running today penned by Ron Nehring. Ron is the Vice Chairman of the California Republican Party, but is also the Chairman of the San Diego County GOP. In today’s column, Ron makes a very convincing case for why the… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: The Governor should campaign side-by-side in the final days with the GOP Ticket

As we go into the final five days of the 2006 election cycle, there is one thing that is clear — there is a lot that will come down to the wire in this California election… Of course, the big prize has already been won — Republican Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is not just going to be re-elected on Tuesday, he is going to be swept into a second term with what appears to be record levels of support. His opponent, Democrat Phil Angelides, was never able to convince his own party members, let alone centrist voters, that he could credibly run California’s large and complex government. He was defined by his policies and the acumen of Arnold’s team, as a taxer. No one is going to go far when their apparent solution for all of woes of the world is to increase the size and scope of government. At least not in America. I would first and foremost like to draw all FR readers to the feature column that we are running today penned by Ron Nehring. Ron is the Vice Chairman of the California Republican Party, but is also the Chairman of the San Diego County GOP. In today’s column, Ron makes a very convincing case for why the… Read More