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Jon Fleischman

Arnold in Irvine: The Photos

I took some photos on my trusty Motorola RZR phone at the Irvine V6 Headquaters earlier during the Governor’s GOTV visit. Pardon some of the poor quality, it is a phone camera, after all…

Lot of television cameras were on hand to listen to the Governor this morning.

Councilwoman Christina Shea welcomes the Governor to Irvine!

The Governor talks to a Victory ’06 GOP Volunteer.… Read More

Supervisor Brad Mitzelfelt

Full Circle

Sunday in San Bernardino County was, appropriately, a day of reflection. It started with the McTour bus visiting the Upland GOP Headquarters where Sen. Tom McClintock (pictured right) and Secretary of State Bruce McPherson thanked the volunteers who are helping make 60,000 calls in the county’s final push to get out the vote.

Then there was the memorial service in Devore for the five U.S. Forest Service firefighters who were killed by the Esperanza Fire last week. Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger led a moving tribute, and later privately presented flags to the families of the fallen firemen. In the audience were thousands of firefighters, officials from throughout the region and other mourners paying their respects.

Later, back at the Headquarters, a few of us were reviewing some internal polling from the week, including one in which we tested the Governor’s county numbers. He was at 54 percent to Phil Angelides’ 28%. Meanwhile, Schwarzenegger’s statewide numbers were showing him up 49% to 32% and climbing. The new… Read More

Jon Fleischman

WSJ’s Best of the Web on the CA Campaigns

From the WSJ’s Best of the Web daily e-mail: Republicans’ Golden State

Democrats are supposed to do well in tomorrow’s election, but the New York Times reports from Los Angeles that one bright spot for the GOP is likely to be California, a state John Kerry carried by almost 10% of the vote:

Of the seven statewide offices up for grabs, two are all but certain to go to Republicans, and three are in a statistical tie, according to a Field Poll released Thursday. Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger leads his Democratic challenger by roughly 16 points, and the Republican candidate for state insurance commissioner has nearly a 10-point lead. The race for lieutenant governor is a dead heat,Read More

Jon Fleischman

The MVP Award for the Strickland Campaign goes to…

As the FlashReport finished up our election year coverage by recognizing some of the Most Valuable Players from a few of the statewide campaigns (we are only highlighting Republicans because we really have no interest in heaping praise on the technicians who work hard to elect those who grow the size and scope of government), our focus goes to the campaign of former Assemblyman Tony Strickland, who is in a close contest with Democrat John Chiang in the race for California State Controller. And Tony’s MVP is… TONY’S MVP: PAUL HEGYI, CAMPAIGN MANAGER The FlashReport MVP Award for the Strickland for Controller campaign goes to Paul Hegyi who is the day-to-day campaign coordinator for Team Tony. Unlike the previous two campaigns we have already featured in the "MVP" category, Strickland has really had to wage two campaigns — a hard fought win in the primary… Read More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Lincoln Club Website Generates 110,000 Visits

The three week radiocampaign driving Central Valley Voters to to view our voter guide has generated an astounding 110,000 visits to the club’s website. This news bodes well for locally endorsed candidates and the ballot initiatives and seems to represent significant local interest in the elections.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Democrats Throw Everything, AND the Kitchen Sink at Pombo

Many people will look at the 11th Congressional district and see a 6% Republican registration edge and assume the safety of this seat for the GOP and House Resources Chairman Richard Pombo of Tracy. What lies underneath this election year however is a strange dynamic that has made this one of the most heated races in the nation.

Due to the massive infusion of 527 group contributions (on one day the Defenders of Wildlife reported spending over $100,000 just for identification calls) that have been going on the airwaves, in the mailboxes and on the ground, this race is now ground zero in the battle for the House of Representatives.

All polling released so far has put this race as essentially even and has now drawn the full force of both the DCCC and NRCC. This race will now come down to turnout and ground game. While the Pombo team is well known for its attention to ground and ability to turn out the vote, McNerney is counting on bussing in an army from Berkeley, Oakland, Palo Alto and even from as far away as… Read More

Jon Fleischman

The McTour’s First Stop – Upland!

The Chairman of the San Bernardino County Republican Party is FR friend Bill Postmus. Postmus also happens to be the Chairman of the County’s Board of Supervisors. He’s now running for County Assessor and is the prohibitive front-runner for that seat. It was Postmus who welcomed us to this GOP volunteer center in Upland.

Bill introduced GOP State Senator Bob Dutton, who thanked all of the volunteers before introducing Senator Tom McClintock…

TM: “This election is now up to you (the volunteers). We have not had this sophisticated of a voter turnout program since 1972!”

Secretary Mc Pherson thanked volunteers and stressed the importance of this election.

Kudos for this well run HQ goes to Postmus and his team, which include Diane Fedele (the local V6 field rep) , Adam Aleman, John Richardson, and Robert Eland, among others.

Many volunteers are here this morning, including “super volunteers” Christina and Jessica Sandoval, who have been personally recognized by the Governor for their amazing dedication as volunteers.

GOP Assemblyman Bill Emmerson, FR’s San Bernardino County… Read More

Jon Fleischman

McRV Update: the McPhersons

We’re on the road to Temecula, and I am sitting at the McRV table with Secretary of State Bruce McPherson and his wife, Mary, and our next Lieutenant Governor, Tom McClintock. . We’re chatting about the energy and excitement we all feel about election day…

"I applaud the Governor for being such a great team player. For commiting his resources to the massive Victory ’06 GOTV effort," the Secretary of State said.

Mary McPherson is so excited at the prospects of the election of Senator McClintock. She thinks that Tom’s defeat of life-long liberal Democrat John Garamendi is so awesome… If we could bottle Mary’s enthusiasm, we could power the entire state!

As we zoom down the road (with the retired General at the helm) we’re looking forward to our Temecula stop and more exciting energy exchanged with Victory GOP volunteers.… Read More