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Jon Fleischman

FR MVP AWARDS: TOM’S MVP… The envelope please…

Over the next two days, the FR will be highlighting four more statewide campaign MVP’s, already having awarded "Arnold’s MVP" to Californians for Schwarzenegger Communications Director Katie Levinson. Not every campaign will be called out for this honor, but a few more will. Two today, and two tomorrow. Congratulations to Katie and to the other recipients. TOM’S MVP: STAN DEVEREUX, COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR!

Tomorrow, Tom McClintock may become the next Liuetenant Governor of California. There is no doubt that some of the credit for McClintock being poised on the edge of victory goes to his campaign Comminucations Director, Stan DeVeraux, who gets the FlashReport "Tom’s MVP" AwardRead More

Riverside County Action Weekend

This weekend update was sent over from FR Friend Jeff Miller, Riverside County Republican Chairman.

I spent the weekend in several of our campaign headquarters and wanted to give you an update on my travels throughout Riverside County. Riverside County was "firing on all cylinders" last weekend and it made me PROUD. I started my weekend out in the Desert Friday with stops at campaign HQs of Mary Bono, Bonnie Garcia, and our Palm Desert Victory 06 HQ. The Garcia campaign volunteers were energized and motivated to help Bonnie win. The Palm Desert V06 office was some sight to see. Hat’s off to Bob Olsson and Bob Richmond for put together a machine of volunteers making calls in the desert. All of our phone goals were exceeded and the volunteers were excited and motivated. Senator Jim Battin came down and greeted everyone and the Governor’s arrival had everyone very excited. IRead More

Mike Spence

A message to disgruntled Republicans

I’m ad mad as anyone about the GOP and how they have governed. Immigration, Government spending and many other issues are not being addressed properly in DC and Sacramento.

CRA has launched a radio ad thorugh one of our committees to try to get those of us ticked off to the polls. You can hear it here.

It is okay to be mad. It is okay to makeyour views known. It is not okay not to vote for McClintock, Strickland, Prop 85 and all the things on the ballot.… Read More

Barry Jantz

Wendell Cutting’s Wishes

Although Duncan Hunter’s late District Chief of Staff Wendell Cutting passed away in June (see FR tributes here and here), it isn’t lost on many in San Diego that — were he alive today — he would be having a very calming influenceon his own school board. TheGrossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District election fight has grown increasingly nasty in recent weeks. The filling of Wendell’s seat is being decided, and three other incumbents are being challenged by the district’s Faculty Association.

It seems Wendell didn’t miss a beat here, knowing full well he wouldn’t be around to weigh in. The following missive from his brother Larry says a lot:

October 24, 2006

It is campaign season and in some races dirty tricks have reached new lows. My late twin brother, Wendell Cutting, would be appalled at the unethical lengths the opposition to the current membersRead More

Brandon Powers

Liberty Film Festival This Weekend

If after unwinding for the next few days, anyone finds themself without anything to do this weekend, I’d like to point out that the Liberty Film Festival is taking place Nov 10-12 in Hollywood.

Last year, more than 6500 people showed up to see films like “In The Face of Evil: Reagan’s War in Word & Deed” and“Celsius 41.11” (a refuting of Michael Moore’s Farenheit 9-11).

Every year this is a great event, and this year figures to be no different.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Arnold in Irvine

This morning the Governor is starting out his day on the campaign trail at the home town of the FlashReport — Irvine, in Orange County. We’re live blogging from this Victory 06 headquarters which has been one of the highest "producing" centers in terms of volunteer activism.

There are about a hundred people here today, with about 20 being precinct walkers here to shake hands with the Governor before they head out and everyone else is on the phones.

On hand to welcome the Governor is Irvine City Councilwoman Christina Shea, who told me, "We are pleased to welcome the Governor to Irvine. The Governor is so supportive of our Republican efforts locally, and we are excited to support him!"

The media turnout, as you would expect, is intense, with a combination of television, radio and newpaper reporters on hand. It’s crazy congested here with so many volunteers, all of the press, and a lot of the Governor’s staff and advance folks.

Also on hand here is Santa Ana Coucilman Carlos Bustamante, who said the he is pleased to see so many young people at the HQ (despite the comment, Bustamante, at 41,… Read More

Mike Spence

Garamendi looks for new Running mate? Robo call use Governor to attack McClintock

I’ve got two calls now from some great GOP women activists on the west side of Los Angeles. They are upset about a robo call being done by some one supporting Garamendi. I heard it and it goes like this (I tried my best to get it all down)

Tis is Shirley Freeman and I’m a lifelong Republican. I’m a bit confused about the race for Lieutenant Governor. Today I read in the paper that Governor Schwarzenegger said that Tom McClintock was totally wrong and that if we went went with his way of thinking, then we will never rebuild California.

It goes on to urge a vote for Garamendi. As Angelides tanks Garamendi looks for another running mate. See here how a close loss on the down ticket hurts the Gov.

BTW there are two Shirley Freeman’s registered as Republicans, don’t know if they are part of it or not.

I’m sure the Governor will denouce this campaignb dirty trick and let every one know that he truly is supporting McClintock.… Read More

Barry Jantz

Who Said the Tribes Only Support Democrats?

Brandon Powers (here and here) and Jon Fleischman (here) previously posted about the "Team 2006" Sovereign Nations PACand the significant IEs the combined tribal effort is pursuing. Despite Saturday’s SDUT article depicting some sort of falling out between the tribes making up the new PAC, and its impact on Tony Strickland — with one of the tribes switching its funding to John Chiang apparently (although Tony is still benefiting hugely)— a load of other IE dollars are being spent.

Here’s the updated 24-hour list of the most significant late IEs by Team 2006:

Republicans: Guy Houston – AD 15 – $224,000 Audra Strickland – AD 37 – $121,000 Shirley Horton – AD 78 – $281,000… Read More