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Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Today’s Commentary: Babbittizing Electricity

Back when the Clinton Administration was in it’s infancy…[I know, that was the entire 8 years, up to the last-day vandalism of the White House computer "W" keyboard keys and stealing all the china they could], the then new Sec of Interior, Bruce Babbitt vowed that he wanted to be the first secretary to "tear down a dam." That mentality ismoving here in California, the latest concerning the ongoing fight up here at the top of the state and south Oregon over the Klamath River and the allocation of its water. It came to a head in 2001 when Klamath Basin farmers found their tap shut off mid summer because of fish concerns.

The latest is a proposal that has been kicking around for some time of tearing out a series of dams for fish passage. Owned by PacifiCorp,they have been in place on the Klamathfor over 50 years, generating electricityfor, primarily, Californians use. At least 4 dams are in the target sights, They aren’t huge generators like Shasta Lake or Lake Oroville,… Read More

Carl Fogliani

Central Valley is 2008 Ground Zero

When Jon asked me to consider joining the FlashReport to further highlight the Central Valley’s unique and volatile political culture I was honored. As the premier battleground in California between the parties, the Central Valley has been and will continue to be the place where the conservative movement can make gains in the legislature and congress. I am looking forward to helping the FlashReport deliver up to date information from the region and contributing to the growth of conservatism in the blogosphere. I see the FlashReport as the front line in the battle against the extreme leftist bloggers that pollute the internet political landscape today.

Some people have a feeling that I will be writing extensively about developments in the 11th congressional district. Of course I will. After Jerry McNerney’s slander campaign against Richard Pombo I look forward to critiquing his actual performance in office. I anticipate some fun moments as he will have to make decisions that will be between representing his district or standing with his political soulmates George Miller, Pete Stark and Nancy Pelosi in what is, despite democrat spin to the contrary,… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Assembly Caucus Spotlights 11 Freshman Members

For many FR readers, the eleven incoming GOP Freshmen members of the State Assembly are already a known quantity, especially for those who are active in or around one of their districts. Many of them have a long history of involvement in politics here in the Golden State. The Assembly Republican Caucus has prepared a handy guide that has the photos and a paragraph or two on each of the eleven, and it is attached below. Congratulations to the Freshman Class: Anthony Adams, Joal Anderson, Tom Berryhill, Paul Cook, Mike Duvall, Jean Fuller, Ted Gaines, Martin Garrick, Kevin Jeffries, Jim Silva and Cameron Smyth!

Of course, FR readers will get to experience a little of life as a "member of the Freshman class" through the eyes of Anthony Adams, who now writing for this website… Thanks, Anthony!… Read More

Jon Fleischman

UCLA victory deprives USC of Nat’l Championship Berth

Today is a great day in California. For years now, the Golden State has been plagued by Trojan fans with out-of-control egos. Today victory by UCLA was an amazing moment, reminding me of how the peaceful denizens of Munchkinland invariably felt when Dorothy Gale’s home landed on the Wicked Witch of the West!

USC is still a great team, and earned their place in the Rose Bowl. But there is glory in knowing that the gold paint on the trophy bell will be covered in blue, and that we ruined Pete Carroll’s Christmas.

(Keith… Finally!)… Read More

Tab Berg

Bi-partisanship gives way to old-fashioned rudeness.

When Jon asked a few of us to fill in while he frolics in the waves of Maui, I thought about putting something profound together, but then I remembered he suggested that we just be ourselves. Well, I’m a simple country boy – and I was struck by a story in George Will’s column about a newly elected Senator refusing to shake President Bush’s hand.

Where I come from that’s the kind of rudeness that just isn’t acceptable.

After recent elections gave Democrats control of the US Senate and House of Representatives, we heard their leaders talk a lot about the coming era of bi-partisanship.

Well, it turns out the talk was pretty much just talk — kind of like CA Assemblymembers who publicly turned down a $12,000 pay hike, then quietly accepted the money a few months later (more on that another time.)

Will recounted a story about Senator-elect Jim Webb ditching the reception line at an event hosted by the President so he wouldn’t have to shake the President’s hand. Later, he responded rudely to the President’s polite inquiry about… Read More

Tab Berg

Today’s Commentary: Bi-partisanship gives way to old-fashioned rudeness.

When Jon asked a few of us to fill in while he frolics in the waves of Maui, I thought about putting something profound together, but then I remembered he suggested that we just be ourselves. Well, I’m a simple country boy – and I was struck by a story in George Will’s column about a newly elected Senator refusing to shake President Bush’s hand.

Where I come from that’s the kind of rudeness that just isn’t acceptable.

After recent elections gave Democrats control of the US Senate and House of Representatives, we heard their leaders talk a lot about the coming era of bi-partisanship.

**There is more – click the link**

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Shawn Steel

Taxes good for Business

LA attorney Paul Kavesh paid for a full page ad in the Daily Breeze entitled "The Democrats are back in power". He asked, "what do you do with your estate plan now?" Kavesh promises that "an overflow audience is anticipated" at his seminar and the Dems will soon increase estate taxes and income taxes.

In order for youto adjust to the new tax climate you can register for his seminar at the Torrance Hilton until tomorrow night. (See the two-part ad below.)

Estate planner Kavesh certainly is bettingthat with Dems in power there will be immediatetrauma to those who own real estate in California. At least this tax specialist gets the joke. Bad news for those who work, are homeowners and are over 45.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Donna Arduin’s New Gig; How Arnold can maximize his trip today to Mexico City

Many may remember Donna Arduin as Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s first Director of Finance for the State of California. Arduin came into the Schwarzenegger Administration with a track record of being a strong conservative, well versed on budgetary and finance matters, and lived up to her reputation. Arduin, who had been heading up Florida’s equivalent office for Governor Jeb Bush, had come out to be part of Team Arnold’s original transition after the recall election, and then agreed to stay on for a period of time.

After the first year of the Schwarzenegger Administration, Arduin left California to return home to quiet Tallahassee, Florida, which she calls home. She partnered up with famed economist Arthur Laffer in a consulting firm, and has been loving life. Donna keeps up on California politics by reading this website, and has written a couple of columns for us!

Today, it is being reportedRead More