Babbittizing Electricity
Back when the Clinton Administration was in it’s infancy…[I know, that was the entire 8 years, up to the last-day vandalism of the White House computer "W" keyboard keys and stealing all the china they could], the then new Sec of Interior, Bruce Babbitt vowed that he wanted to be the first secretary to "tear down a dam." That mentality ismoving here in California, the latest concerning the ongoing fight up here at the top of the state and south Oregon over the Klamath River and the allocation of its water. It came to a head in 2001 when Klamath Basin farmers found their tap shut off mid summer because of fish concerns.
The latest is a proposal that has been kicking around for some time of tearing out a series of dams for fish passage. Owned by PacifiCorp,they have been in place on the Klamathfor over 50 years, generating electricityfor, primarily, Californians use. At least 4 dams are in the target sights, They aren’t huge generators like Shasta Lake or Lake… Read More