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Matthew J. Cunningham

Red County Magazine Debuts

After much shedding of blood, sweat and tears, the inaugural first issue of Red County magazine is winding its way through the postal system, and should be arriving in the mail boxes of fortunate recipients as I write.

I’ll quote Editor Scott Graves:

In this and future issues we intend to deliver a high quality bi-monthly publication targeting center-right readers on topics that impact their lives. From business, lifestyle, and politics to education, technology, and real estate, the magazine will frame the discussions through a center-right point of view. At its core, Red County magazine is about a set of values shared by its readers and reflected by the unique demographics of this "red" county. It is a set of values characterized by the broad principles of limited government, lower taxes, less bureaucracy, and personal responsibility. Through the ebb and flow of political discourse, positions, parties and peopleRead More

Jon Fleischman

Perata’s Left-Wing Healthcare Proposal Should Be DOA with Arnold

In a brazen attempt to yank to the hard-left the discussions about how to deal with the fact that many Californians do not carry health care insurance, Senator Don Perata, the liberal President of the California State Senate predictably rolled out yesterday a massive government intervention into the healthcare marketplace. Perata is proposing that a hefty lien (tax, fee, or whatever you want to call it) on California employers to ‘provide’ health insurance for those Californian’s who are employed, but do not have coverage. Of course the impact of such a proposal will be exactly counter to what discussions are trying to achieve. If the goal is to reduce the number of Californians who are not currently buying health insurance, then putting Californians out of work, increasing the state’s unemployment numbers, and reducing income to the state of California but stifling tax-producing businesses, is not the way to go. The path towards seeing the number of uninsured Californians reduced is two-fold. The first is working to increase the income to these folks — through better jobs. Secondly there is the need to bring… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Perata’s Left-Wing Healthcare Proposal Should Be DOA with Arnold

In a brazen attempt to yank to the hard-left the discussions about how to deal with the fact that many Californians do not carry health care insurance, Senator Don Perata, the liberal President of the California State Senate predictably rolled out yesterday a massive government intervention into the healthcare marketplace. Perata is proposing that a hefty lien (tax, fee, or whatever you want to call it) on California employers to ‘provide’ health insurance for those Californian’s who are employed, but do not have coverage. Of course the impact of such a proposal will be exactly counter to what discussions are trying to achieve. If the goal is to reduce the number of Californians who are not currently buying health insurance, then putting Californians out of work, increasing the state’s unemployment numbers, and reducing income to the state of California but stifling tax-producing businesses, is not the way to go. The path towards seeing the number of uninsured Californians reduced is two-fold. The first is working to increase the income to these folks — through better jobs. Secondly there is the need to bring… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Chris Reed on Perata’s Healthcare Proposal

Over at the San Diego Union Tribune’s America’s Finest Opinion Blog, FR friend Chris Reed has penned his own critique of Senator Perata’s expansion of government’s role in California healthcare. You should read it here.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

WSJ’s Fund on Gary Miller

Congressman Gary Miller continues to garner some unwanted attention — today the Wall Street Journal’s John Fund heaps on in the WSJ’s Political Diary e-mail:

Not ‘The Donald’

GOP Rep. Gary Miller of California was unopposed for re-election last month, so reports that surfaced last year about how Congressional earmarks he sponsored increased the value of real estate he owned in his district never became a campaign issue.

But now Republicans in his overwhelmingly conservative Orange County district will have to start asking hard questions about whether Mr. Miller, who came to Congress in 1998, deserves another… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Gary Miller talks to AP’s Erica Werner

I don’t blame Congressman Gary Miller for not wanting to talk to the Los Angeles Times. Would you? Miller did, however, talk with Erica Werner from the Associated Press. Here’s Werner’s story: Rep. Miller disputes report he used office for personal benefit By Erica Werner with the Associated Press GOP Rep. Gary Miller used congressional staff for personal errands and tried to get a federal appointment for a city councilman about to vote on buying Miller’s land, according to a published report Tuesday that Miller angrily denied.Read More

Jon Fleischman

Governor Makes Senior Level Appointments

I’m out and about today, but wanted to post up (via PDA) these appointments (3 Dems, 7 Reps) right away. More analysis to follow I’m sure, from our FR Team…

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Gov. Schwarzenegger Announces Senior Staff Appointments Continuing to build his leadership team following the election, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger today announced appointments and promotions within his office for the new term. Governor Schwarzenegger today announced the appointments of Cynthia Bryant, deputy chief of staff and director of the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research; Alice Dowdin Calvillo, chief deputy cabinet secretary; Dan Dunmoyer, deputy chief of staff and cabinet secretary; Margaret Fortune, senior advisor to the Governor; Chris Kahn, deputy chief of staff and legislative secretary; Ross LaJeunesse, deputy chief of staff and senior advisor to the Governor; Luis Portillo, director of constituent affairs; Michael Prosio, chief deputy legislative secretary; Sean Walsh, senior advisor to the Governor and Daniel Zingale, senior advisor to the Governor and chief of staff to Maria Shriver. “As we begin a new… Read More

James V. Lacy

Tom DeLay to head new effort for American Conservative Union

Former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay has agreed to create and run anew project to be entitled "Coalition for a Conservative Majority" under the auspices of the American Conservative Union, the national conservative organization that is best know for its annual ratings of Congress and sponsorship of the yearly Conservative Political Action Conference. DeLay is known as a prodigious fundraiser, and was called "the most effective majority leader of the last 50 years" in terms of influencing legislation, by journalist Bob Novak. He will develop and implement a legislative strategy for the nonprofit ACU, and will join the Board of Directors of the organization.… Read More