Who Will Carry the Torch on Team Mascot Names?
Now that Jackie Goldberg has been termed-out ofthe California State Assembly, I am at a complete loss as to which lawmaker, if any, will have the courage to carry the banner on a matter of significant state importance. It appears, unless some unknown legislator steps to the plate, that the vital issue of inappropriate, insensitive, politically incorrect team mascot names may not be debated in the California legislature this year.
Former Assemblywoman Goldberg made somewhat of a career in this arena,advocating for lawsto make unlawful the use of American Indian team mascots at public schools. Not surprisingly, a whole slew of fascists, racists, sexists, chauvinists, Huns, Republicans and readers of the FlashReport have long opposed the idea.
Personally, I could not believe at the timethat I had stooped so low as to allow myself to work for someone as obviously insensitive as now retired Assemblyman Jay La Suer, who said of Jackie’s efforts, “It’s political correctness taken 18 steps too far,” while puffing his chest and bragging openly that he had been both an El… Read More