The Health Care Challenge — or — If You Love The DMV, You’ll Love Government Run Health Care
I opened my newspaper today (yes, I actually do still read them) to find an article stating that no less than15 bills had been introduced already for the upcoming legislative session responding to the governor’s call on health care. Fifteen – wow – and that’s just the beginning of the liberal storm brewing.
As the Democrats compete with each other to prove who can be the most "comprehensive" (translation: cover the most people – even if they already have insurance – and don’t need the government to be in more control of their lives), and who can be the most "compassionate" (translation: spend the most tax dollars); we will see more bills.
Two things that stood out in the article I read were:
(1) that the new Chairman of Assembly Health has already started pushing tax increases to pay for what could cost $12 Billion (I believe that is a lowball number to be sure). "Who pays?" Chairman Mervyn Dymally (D-Compton) asked. "If you put out a comprehensive… Read More