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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Holiday Presents from Sacramento: MORE SPENDING!

Yesterday was a day of big announcements in Sacramento. The holiday gifts that have been given out this year are more proposals for massive spending. But this isn’t surprising. More spending has been the theme out of Sacramento all of this year, and we’re closing out the year on the same note. Yesterday the Governor proposed a massive spending program (over ten billion dollars) to build prisons to deal with our overcrowding problems. The FlashReport is concerned that this proposal for more massive borrowing should have been made before the November election so that voters could have considered whether they still wanted to approve the tens of billions in borrowing that they did on that ballot. We also feel that these proposed new bonds should be taken to the ballot for a vote of the electorate. As they are proposed, these bonds would supposedly be paid off by revenue — so someone will have to explain to us what kind of revenue is generated by a prison? Also of concern in the proposal is a Sentencing Commission who, it seems, would have the job of lessoning the sentences of convicted criminals. Clearly action is required as the… Read More

Jon Fleischman

AppointmentWatch: Gov Appoints 16 Reps, 9 Dems, 2 DTS

Today the Governor made 27 more appointments into State Government — 9 Republicans and 6 Democrats.

Fred Ameri, 66, of Newport Beach, has been appointed to the Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board. Dorene Dominguez, 43, of Granite Bay, has been appointed to the California Medical Board. Karrie Eckhardt, 32, of Folsom, has been appointed to the Corrections Standards Authority. Adama Iwu, 29, of Sacramento, has been appointed to the Health Policy and Data Advisory Commission. Bruce Johnson, 52, of Fair Oaks, has been appointed to the Earthquake Authority Advisory Panel. David King, 36, of San Diego, has been appointed to the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board.Read More

Jon Fleischman

Arnold’s New Press Secretary

I spoke with Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Communications Director, Adam Mendelsohn, before lunch today. Adam was calling to let FR readers in on the scoop – Governor Schwarzenegger has tapped a new Press Secretary to replace the retiring Margita Thompson.

His name is Aaron McLear and Mendelsohn says he was the regional Press Secretary for the Republican National Committee for the Northeastern Area, and that prior to that he was Communications Director for the Bush ’04 reelection campaign for Ohio. Before that, he worked for Governor Taft…

We’ll work on getting more info on this new member of the Governor’s senior staff! Thanks, Adam for the heads up!… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Tim Morgan: Let’s Have A Visionary Race for California Republican Party Board of Directors

California’s Republican National Committeeman is Tim Morgan of Santa Cruz. Tim was elected to this post by the California Republican Party Membership back in 1996, and re-elected subsequently in both 2000 and 2004. Tim has penned a column, which is below, in which he calls for the upcoming races for California Republican Party office to be "spirited, vision packed and respectful" – I present his views for your reading pleasure. I suppose this also a good time to express my appreciation to Tim, as when I announced my candidacy for Vice-Chairman, South of the CRP, Tim was one of the very first to endorse me. Thanks, Tim!

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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Tim Morgan: Let’s Have A Visionary Race for California Republican Party Board of Directors

California’s Republican National Committeeman is Tim Morgan of Santa Cruz. Tim was elected to this post by the California Republican Party Membership back in 1996, and re-elected subsequently in both 2000 and 2004. Tim has penned a column, which is below, in which he calls for the upcoming races for California Republican Party office to be "spirited, vision packed and respectful" – I present his views for your reading pleasure. I suppose this also a good time to express my appreciation to Tim, as when I announced my candidacy for Vice-Chairman, South of the CRP, Tim was one of the very first to endorse me. Thanks, Tim!

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James V. Lacy

Federal court “softens” soft money rules; meanwhile, Indians must abide by California campaign rules

A federal court today significantly weakened the so-called "soft money" rules of the McCain-Feingold bill by declaring that the late campaign restriction against mentioning Federal candidates names in issue-oriented mass media advertising of so-callled "527 committees" is unconstitutional. ("527" refers to the section of the Internal Revenue Code that provide these entities tax exemption). The effect of the ruling will be to allow unlimited corporate, union, and special interest funding of issue ads supporting or attacking Federal candidates by name, but which do not specifically urge their election or defeat, during an election campaign.

The 2-1 decisionby a three-judge panel of the U.S. District Courtfor the District of Columbia will now likely be appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court. Your author’s opinion is that the ruling is a victory for the First Amendment. But who knows how the Supreme Court will respond?!

In a second significant ruling in California, the Supreme Court here in a split decision ruled today that Indian tribes are bound by FPPC disclosure rules. More than 100 tribes are major donors in… Read More

Jon Fleischman

More Bonds? Romney Rumblings… Dymally makes it worse. Inaugural ball tix cheap…for some!

Word is that the Governor will propose financing billions in prison constructions through the use of lease revenue bonds. I can understand how you would use this kind of bond for, say, a public parking structure with an income from parking. But a prison? I am not clear where the revenue comes from for a prison except from taxpayers? Shouldn’t that require a vote of the people? There are some changes taking place in the California operations of Mitt Romney’s fledgling campaign for President. FR is still tracking down the details, but we’ve heard from very reliable sources that California uber-fundraising Anne Dunsmore and her California Capital Campaigns (see the ad to the right), who have been doing fundraising for Romney’s Commonwealth PAC, are not doing the general, federally limited Presidential campaign fundraising for the retiring Massachusetts Governor. We’ll see how this shakes out. Yesterday Democrat Assemblyman Mervyn Dymally gave a rather underwhelming apology for calling his colleague, Hector De La Torre, a racist. He said "I have been around long enough to knowRead More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: More Bonds? Romney Rumblings… Dymally makes it worse. Inaugural ball tix cheap…for some!

Word is that the Governor will propose financing billions in prison constructions through the use of lease revenue bonds. I can understand how you would use this kind of bond for, say, a public parking structure with an income from parking. But a prison? I am not clear where the revenue comes from for a prison except from taxpayers? Shouldn’t that require a vote of the people? There are some changes taking place in the California operations of Mitt Romney’s fledgling campaign for President. FR is still tracking down the details, but we’ve heard from very reliable sources that California uber-fundraising Anne Dunsmore and her California Capital Campaigns (see the ad to the right), who have been doing fundraising for Romney’s Commonwealth PAC, are not doing the general, federally limited Presidential campaign fundraising for the retiring Massachusetts Governor. We’ll see how this shakes out. Yesterday Democrat Assemblyman Mervyn Dymally gave a rather underwhelming apology for calling his colleague, Hector De La Torre, a racist. He said "I have been around long enough to knowRead More