Fringe-left Congressional Democrats take advantage of charitable rules even as they implement “reforms”
Most of the glowing mainstream media news about California’s Nancy Pelosi, the new Speaker of the House, and her Congressional Democrats, is centered on their "100 hour" agenda and reforms they intend to implement, including raising the minimum wage, "ethics" reforms to restrict receipt of gifts of travel, and a new "earmarking" reform that would require indentification of the Member of Congress pushing a last minute earmark to fund that highway to nowhere.
But one item the MSM has missed, is research published by the Capital Research Center, that demonstrates that 70 far-left Democrats in the Congress, members of the "Congressional Progressive Caucus," ("CPC") seven of whom will chair powerful committees in the new Congress, will be using a charitable fundraising arm named the "American Progressive Caucus Policy Foundation" to raise funds from lobbyists to help them advance anti-war and far left-oriented public policies in the new Congress. Leaders of this effort include California Congressmembers Lynn Woolsey (Marin and Sonoma Counties) and Barbara Lee (Berkeley and Oakland), who are co-chairs of this… Read More