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Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Healthy Skepticism of the Governors Health Insurance Plan

I commend the Governor for suggesting a solution to a tough problem. I just don’t think any economic theory supports the outcomes he desires. And I definitely don’t believe his is a "centrist" approach. A centrist approach would be devoid of tax increases, employer mandates and mandated spending by providers, and be full of market based incentives to lower the cost of private health plans.

My firm handles over $40 million in health and health related business, so I follow health insurance and health care trends as closely as possible. Diagnosing the reasons for 6.5 million uninsured workers isn’t that tough. Employer paid health plans are expensive. Treating doctors and facilities are grossly underpaid by government funders such as Medicare, Medicaid and MediCal. Those unreimbursed costs are mostly transferred to the private health plans when they contract for services with the health care providers. Thus, the "hidden tax" on us is primarily caused by the government because the cost of health plans is inflated, and out of reach to many employers, due to government rationing of health care dollars.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Secretary of State Bowen appointed who??

California’s new Secretary of State, liberal Democrat Debra Bowen, has appointed Lowell Finley the Assitant Secretary of State for Voting Systems and Technology. Finley has wasted thousands of taxpayer dollars by teaming up with conspiracy paranoid groups like Black Box (a.k.a. "Cynthia McKinney’s race loss was rigged" whackos) voting to sue those who have purchased touch screen voting machines which help county governments and the state complywith the federal Help America Vote Act.

Not only do these machines allow state and local governments to comply with HAVA but they allow voters who are disabled the opportunity to cast their votes privately and independently– something that was previously impossible.

This move by Bowen (pictured to the right) could signal that she plans to decertify electronic voting machines certified by her predecessor, Bruce… Read More

Jon Fleischman

New TV Spot: Call The Governor And Tell Him His Plan Is The Wrong Medicine!

Founded in 2002, the Consumer Alliance for a Strong Economy is a grassroots organization that is made up of over 9000 members that include entrepreneurs, small business owners, farmers and consumers.

CASE is starting to run commercials alerting consumers to the dangers of the Governor’s newly proposal government incursion into healthcare. Here is what their spokesman, Chris Wysocki, has to say. Below, you can run the add, and then — make a call! “We applaud the Governor for his desire to address the need for healthcare reform, but the true problem of his proposal is a billion dollar tax increase on small businesses that provide the majority of jobs in the state,” Wysocki continued, “The state can utilize many of the components of the governor’s plan to encourage more people to purchase healthcare – includingRead More

Jon Fleischman

Live Report from Steve Poizner’s Swearing In

I’m blogging live from the San Jose Technology Museum. I am sitting next to former California Republican Party Chairman Mike Schroeder and his wife, Susan, in the third row – where we have a great view for the proceedings. Nearby is Jim Richarsdson, Poizner’s new Chief of Staff, Larry Greenfield who is Director of the California Republican Jewish Coalition.

The crowd looks to be several hunded here for Poizner’s big day. At work are Tim Clark who heads up Poizner’s transition team (he and Wayne Johnson were lead consultants for the campaign), and Robert Molner, Mike Richman and Jennifer Kerns, other key aides to Pozner. Helping out at the event is also Catherine Brinkman, President of the California Young Republicans. They are all smiling – broadly – as they should be on this big day for Team Poizner.

Being here in Santa Clara County, on hand is the leadership of the local GOP, including Chairman Keen Butcher and Treasurer Steve Moore. Also on hand is Linda Boyd, Chairman of the Los Angeles County GOP Linda Boyd with her husband, former CRP Treasurer Doug Boyd. Intersestingly, Butcher and Boyd are locked in a… Read More

Jon Fleischman

The Governor’s Healthcare Proposal

Liberalism is based on two precepts – taxes and large social welfare programs. This proposal contains the offensive aspects of both because it combines a new tax to finance a new social welfare program that benefits illegal aliens. When Republican legislators are past the disbelief that this proposal has been made by a Republican Governor, they should rally to oppose it. Like most liberal programs, this one will eventually hurt the most the very people it perports to help.

You can be sure there will be a lot of praise of this proposal by the liberal Democrats in the legislature. Expansion of government is their favorite pasttime.

I’m sure you will hear more from others, but that is my first response. You can read about how the Governor wants to expand a government healthcare bureaucracy at… Read More

Jennifer Nelson

Health Insurance for Illegals

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s universal health insurance proposal is a complicated, multi-faceted plan. It is an attempt to address the problem of affordable health insurance and an attempt to spread the pain of any potential solution around to all parties (individual, medical system, government and employers). I know and respect many of the people who worked on the plan and recognize that tackling any change to our health care system is a tough challenge.

That said, while there is MUCH to digest and educate ourselves on this proposal, one of the more troubling aspects of the governor’s plan is his intention to provide health insurance to illegal immigrants. It’s not brain science that it is more costly to pay for emergency room visits than it is to pay for preventative care. But the argument against extending health insurance to a group of people who entered our country illegally is more about the rule of law than it is about whether it costs more to have someone get their pneumonia treated in the ER or in their… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Speaker Nunez Proves My Point

Thanks to the Democrat Speaker for proving my point with his comments on the Governor’s Healthcare proposal:

“This is a plan Assembly Democrats could have written – and in a lot of ways already did. I’m pleased to see so much in common with the plan I introduced last month.”… Read More

Barry Jantz

More Health Care Mandates?

So, let’s see, increasing insurance costs, a lack ofnew hospital development by the private sector, an inability by the public sector to build or improve health facilities without increased taxes via bonds (as the CEO of a public healthcare district, this is firsthand knowledge), overflowing emergency rooms, what more can I add?

Is government responsible for any of this? Let’s just touch on a couple of mandates…

Government mandates on nurse staffing ratios: Instead of a look at how individual hospitals fare in the provision of quality health care, based on an individual facility’s number of nurses needed for a select number of patients, let’s instead mandate a "one size fits all" ratio of patients per nurses based on the lowest common denominator…the worst providers of service. Oh, we already did that.

Result: Higher costs to provide a mandated number of employees in every unit, on every floor, in every hospital, regardless of the benefit or measurable outcome.

Government mandates for seismic retrofit of facilities: Yes, we all want our hospitals to stand up in an… Read More