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Barry Jantz

Larry Stirling on Crime and Foie Gras

Unfortunately, one can’t access the full online articles from The San Diego Daily Transcript without a paid subscription, but today retired State Senator Larry Stirling weighs in on its pages with a gem on how the San Diego City Council is addressing a growing crime problem.

After relating a littany of recent crimes as just an example of that faced by the city, Larry wraps up with this:

The government’s No. 1 priority is protecting the lives and property of its citizens. This moral imperative is even higher, given the fact that our government has chosen to abridge our fundamental right to protect ourselves by prohibiting us from carrying firearms in self-defense.

The government is in an absurd and indefensible posture when it neglects to protect us and then will not let us protect ourselves. That is unacceptable.

So, what exactly has the City Council done to address this fundamental moral imperative?

Well, on Dec. 6, the San Diego City Council’s committee on Natural Resources and Culture held a hearing to address and then rip out the root cause of bothRead More

Brandon Powers

Where’s Jim Brulte?

Prior to the Recall, then-Senate Republican Leader Jim Brulte made a public pronouncement that should any Republican legislator vote for a tax increase, he’d personally lead the effort to find (and fund) a Primary challenge against them.

Given all of today’s brouhaha, and the fact that he still sits on close to a million dollars in his political account despite having been out of office for a few years, I wonder if the Senator’s challenge still stands?

And, might we see anything similar from Ackerman or Villines?

I really hope our opposition to tax increases still unites us.It’d sure be nice for Republicans to start acting like Republicans again.… Read More

Ray Haynes

Analyzing the Inauguration Speech

All the commentators have commented on the Governor’s inauguration speech. Most focused on the "dynamic centrism" of which the Governor spoke. The key line was:

"Some said that the Democratic legislature, by working with me to increase the minimum wage or reform prescription drug costs, abandoned the Democratic nominee for governor. This is the kind of partisan thinking that frustrates the voters and diminishes our democracy. The people are disgusted with a mindset that would rather get nothing done than accomplish something through compromise."

The Governor missed the key problem of politics in both his premise and his conclusion. People did not vote for him because he enacted the Democrats’ agenda, they voted for him because he was not Phil Angelides. People, in addition, are not disgusted with a government that does nothing, they are disgusted with rulers who promise to make their lives better if people would just entrust them with power, and then those rulers use that power to line the pockets of their political supporters. People would be happy if they believed that the status quo was… Read More

Jon Fleischman

WSJ’S Fund on Arnold’s Healthcare Proposal

The Wall Street Journal’s Political Diary e-mail is subscribed to by political and policy leaders all around the country – and the world. The lead item in the e-mail today is on Governor Schwarzenegger and his healthcare proposal:

Schwarzenegger’s Bolivarian Revolution

The reaction of leaders of California’s political parties neatly sums up the ideological direction of Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s new plan to provide health insurance to all Californians by mandating that employers provide it or pay a fee of 4% of their payroll into a government pool.

Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunes was thrilled that a GOP governor had moved so far in his direction: "This is a plan Assembly Democrats could… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Mimi Walters tapped to head Assembly Taxpayer Protection Caucus

Today it was announced by the Americans for Tax Reform that Assemblywoman Mimi Walters has been tapped to succeed retired Assemblyman (and now FR State Capitol Correspondent) Ray Haynes as the head of the Taxpayer Protection Caucus in the California State Assembly. What does this mean? The Americans for Tax Reform are the champions of the No New Taxes Pledge for federal and state legislators. The pledge is simple: I, ____________, pledge to the taxpayers of the _____ district of the State of _________ and to all the people of this state, that I will oppose and vote against any and all efforts to increase taxes.

The Taxpayer Protection Caucus is made up of the 27 Assemblymembers who have signed this pledge (the other 53 who have not can… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Maviglio’s Big Raise: Earned

There is a report today in the Sacramento Bee that Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez has dished out some pretty hefty raises for the New Year for key members of his staff.

I noted deep in the story that one of these raises went to his Deputy Chief of Staff and spokesman Steve Maviglio. I wanted to congratulate Steve on his raise, and come to its defense. Clearly, as a fiscal conservative, I believe it is important to be prudent with taxpayer funds. At the same time, however, I also understand that if you are going to hire and retain capable, qualified staff members — you have to be willing to pay them a competitive wage. I seldom agree with Steve’s politics. As a matter of fact, I am not sure that I ever have or ever will. But I respect Steve’s talent, ability, moxie and work ethic. While I can’t say that I agree with Steve’s dedication to raising taxes, increasing regulations and generally trying to increase the size and scope of state government, I will say that he is very… Read More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Healthy Skepticism of the Governors Health Insurance Plan

I commend the Governor for suggesting a solution to a tough problem. I just don’t think any economic theory supports the outcomes he desires. And I definitely don’t believe his is a "centrist" approach. A centrist approach would be devoid of tax increases, employer mandates and mandated spending by providers, and be full of market based incentives to lower the cost of private health plans.

My firm handles over $40 million in health and health related business, so I follow health insurance and health care trends as closely as possible. Diagnosing the reasons for 6.5 million uninsured workers isn’t that tough. Employer paid health plans are expensive. Treating doctors and facilities are grossly underpaid by government funders such as Medicare, Medicaid and MediCal. Those unreimbursed costs are mostly transferred to the private health plans when they contract for services with the health care providers. Thus, the "hidden tax" on us is primarily caused by the government because the cost of health plans is inflated, and out of reach to many employers, due to government rationing of health care dollars.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Secretary of State Bowen appointed who??

California’s new Secretary of State, liberal Democrat Debra Bowen, has appointed Lowell Finley the Assitant Secretary of State for Voting Systems and Technology. Finley has wasted thousands of taxpayer dollars by teaming up with conspiracy paranoid groups like Black Box (a.k.a. "Cynthia McKinney’s race loss was rigged" whackos) voting to sue those who have purchased touch screen voting machines which help county governments and the state complywith the federal Help America Vote Act.

Not only do these machines allow state and local governments to comply with HAVA but they allow voters who are disabled the opportunity to cast their votes privately and independently– something that was previously impossible.

This move by Bowen (pictured to the right) could signal that she plans to decertify electronic voting machines certified by her predecessor, Bruce… Read More