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Jon Fleischman

27 GOP Assemblymembers Comment on the Governor’s Speech

I thought it representative of some hard work that the Assembly Republicans put out individual statements from 27 of their members in reaction to the Governor’s State of the State Address. I thought you might want to see what everyone had to say…. At least with what I am sure were some tight length restrictions…

Assembly Republican Leader Mike Villines, Clovis “With a strong vision for California’s future, Governor Schwarzenegger tonight proposed bold solutions to the serious problems facing our state. Assembly Republicans are especially pleased by the governor’s renewed commitment to paying down our state’s long-term debt and fixing our broken redistricting system once and for all. Those are the centrist views of California’s hardworking families.

“True bipartisanship is not when one party compromises their principles to another for the sake of public relations, it’s when we put the people of California first. Californians want us to work together, and we must do it responsibly as adults. We look forward to… Read More

High expectations

The Orange County Board of Supervisors is solidly in the hands of a conservative majority and there is a vacancy that will be filled by Special Election on Feb. 6. But regardless of that outcome the next two years should be filled with votes that broadly shrink the size of county government and put the county’s future financial health back on track by reforming pension and health care benefits for county employees.

Each of the present supervisors has conservative credentials:

Chairman Chris Norby is a nationally known leader on the issue of redevelopment reform; vice chairman Moorlach not only predicted the county’s bankruptcy but more importantly lead the county’s investments as Treasurer and conservative Tax Collector for over a decade; Pat Bates had a solid voting record in the State Assembly and never wavered on her principles in face of a massive assault by her campaign opponent who seemingly sold out to every special interest there is; and Bill Campbell built a remarkably successful business before serving in the State Assembly and now on the Board and knows the meaning of paying wages and how harmful the actions of government can be on… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Cal-Tax’s McCarthy: Two Views on Budget “Cuts”

Larry McCarthy is the President of the California Taxpayers Association, and he has penned some thoughts that are pertinent with the Governor announcing his 2007-08 state budget today…

Budget “Cuts:” The Sacramento View and Taxpayer Perspective Note: With today’s release of the 2007-08 state budget proposal, the California Taxpayers’ Association anticipates the usual howls of protest from the spending lobby against what they call budget “cuts.” In the commentary that follows, Cal-Tax President Larry McCarthy presents a taxpayers-voters’ concept of state spending and why those who demand more spending often confuse the term “cut” with proposals that actually would spend as much or more than the current year.

What is a state budget cut?Read More

Brandon Powers

What’s Next In San Berdu?

As my fellow bloggerAdam Alemanjust reported, former FR Blogger and Bill Postmus Chief of Staff Brad Mitzelfelt has officially taken a seat in the big chair, becoming the newest Supervisor in San Bernardino County.

That Brad was chosen over the other applicants is both a good thing for the constituents of the 1st Supe District and for conservatives at-large.

With the appointment now out of the way now though, all eyes turn towards the actual campaign for the seat next year.

The appointment process hasn’t historically lent itself kindly to re-election in SB. From what I can gather, the last successful appointee-turned-elected Supervisor was decades ago.

Even more pressingin the immediate thoughis whether Brad even has any intention of seeking election to stay on the Board past next November.

Whether or not he does – and not to put words in his mouth, but I have heard from many informed folks who say he isn’t going to – there will almost certainly be a crowded field for this race in ’08 (at least partially comprised of the other applicants).

In any event, anearly front-runner has to be Mark Kirk,… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Arnold’s State of the State: It’s All About Spending

Well, a year ago, FR San Diego Blogger Barry Jantz and I came up to Sacramento with a red-carpet invitation from the Governor’s office to the State of the State Address, and we even got a special ‘pre-brief’ with some senior staff members. Of course, last year the Governor rolled out his Strategic Growth Plan, and we were pretty critical of it. So, go figure, no red carpet this year! Nevertheless, thanks to live-streaming video, I was able to take in the entire address from my own laptop computer! Of course, my immediate reaction was — this speech seems an aweful lot like last year’s speech, in that everything that I heard was all about spending, spending and more spending. But, since it seems to be the most accepted rhetorical style these days, let me start by taking a moment to praise the Governor for some of what I heard in his speech…

I applaud the Governor for his strong stand in support of redistricting reform, and the Governor declared that his proposed budget would actually close the existing deficit by a… Read More

Mike Spence

We all pay the hidden minimum wage tax

Friday Night is Date Night in the Spence household. My wife and I try to go out every Friday– with out the kids of course. This Friday found us at the Edwards Cinema in West Covina. We bought tickets for Pursuit of Happiness (BTW: Viewing it should be part of welfare reform.)

As we were waiting for the movie to start,my wife for some reason though that the newly advertised five dollar taquitos were a "must have".

As I’m waiting in line, I overhear this conservation between two employees.

One of the employees tells the other that the medium (for some item I couldn’t hear) went up 50 cents. The other employee says something like "Why did they do that?" The first employee Says and I quote. "Because you got a raise on the first, stupid."

See the price went up because the minimum wage increase needed to paid for by somebody. The first employee understood that, the second will probably be a legislator or worse a Governor.

And worse still they were out of taquitos.… Read More

Mike Spence

Bill Leonard on “Hidden Taxes”

Bill Leonard represents taxpayers on the BOE from LA County to the far north of California. In his Leonard Letter he has a couple paragraphs on the new buzz word "Hidden taxes." Here it is. ***Hidden Taxes***

The new buzz words in political debate are “hidden taxes.” In almost every case, this does not refer to secret payments to the government. The more accurate definition of the phrase would be “cost shifting.” Because lots of people use health care services without paying for those services, hospitals and doctors are forced to charge the rest of us more to cover their expenses. But cost shifting goes on everywhere. We all pay more for products to cover the extra costs businesses have due to shoplifting or other expenses.

So, if it is true that this hidden tax is a bad thing, then what is the solution? Apparently the solution is a not-so-hidden-tax. Instead of paying extra to health care to providers, I will pay more in taxes and then the government will give some subsidy to these providers to pay for the people who do not pay.Read More

Jennifer Nelson

The entire CA GOP should feel like chumps

I was not a Steve Poizer’s swearing in yesterday, but I am hearing from folks who were there that it felt almost akin to a Schwarzenegger event—Poizer seemed to be dismissive of the GOP and immediately called to make his office non-partisan (after accepting loads of help from the GOP to get elected). Jon Fleishman writes today that he feels like a chump for believing Schwarzenegger’s promise not to raise taxes. The entire GOP, including GOP chair Duf Sundheim, should feel like chumps for pouring our time and money into Schwarzenegger’s and Poizer’s campaigns, only to have them reject our party immediately after gaining office.Read More