Common Sense First Steps to Fix the Health Insurance Problem
Understand first that I write these blog posts between meetings and other business commitments as part of my day job, which is President and owner of a thriving insurance brokerage business. So let me apologize in advance for deficiencies in spelling and content. In my previous post on the Governor’s Health Insurance proposal, I pointed out the economic and legal reasons why its dead on arrival. At the end of the blog, I also point out why, if the Governor’s proposal were implemented and was successful, the health care system in California would collapse.
Health care affordability is at the core of what I help employers do every day.
So what steps should be taken now to make health insurance more accessible and affordable? Here are a few ideas:
1. Put the new money on the table first.Increase reimbursement rates for government run health plans first.Cost shifting to private plans will end and health insurance rates paid by employers and employees shouldcome down. When rates come down, access… Read More