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Mike Spence

Convicted of Grand Theft: The best Qualification for Mayor

Monrovia is the San Gabriel Valley is one of those cities having a March Election. Turns out that the candidate running against incumbent Mayor has been convicted of grand theft. Finally, a politician with that has admitted what most of them really end up doing. Of course he attacks the Mayor, a good guy named Rob Hammond, for being a pawnbroker. Maybe Hammond wouldn’t fence his stuff?See article here.Read More

Jon Fleischman

OCGOP Cool To McCain – Turmoil at the RNC?

OCGOP COOL TO MCCAIN If last night was any indicator, Senator John McCain has a long way to go in endearing himself to California Republicans. The Orange County Republican Party had its biennial organizational meeting last night at the Hyatt Hotel in Irvine, where former Assembly Scott Baugh was re-elected to another term as Chairman with hearty applause and no opposition. Also elected were a slate of officers that included myself as Second Vice-Chairman — also uncontested. That said, Chairman Baugh ended up holding an impromptu popularity poll of the roughly 200 party leaders in attendance for the 2008 GOP Presidential primary. The context was Baugh asking which Presidential contenders those present would like to see speak at the GOP’s big annual Flag Day Gala. Baugh cycled through all of the most talked-about candidates — where Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich received the most applause. There was what I will characterize as a polite applause for former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani. But probably the most noteworthy response from the room came when Baugh… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: OCGOP Cool To McCain – Turmoil at the RNC?

OCGOP COOL TO MCCAIN If last night was any indicator, Senator John McCain has a long way to go in endearing himself to California Republicans. The Orange County Republican Party had its biennial organizational meeting last night at the Hyatt Hotel in Irvine, where former Assembly Scott Baugh was re-elected to another term as Chairman with hearty applause and no opposition. Also elected were a slate of officers that included myself as Second Vice-Chairman — also uncontested. That said, Chairman Baugh ended up holding an impromptu popularity poll of the roughly 200 party leaders in attendance for the 2008 GOP Presidential primary. The context was Baugh asking which Presidential contenders those present would like to see speak at the GOP’s big annual Flag Day Gala. Baugh cycled through all of the most talked-about candidates — where Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich received the most applause. There was what I will characterize as a polite applause for former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani. But probably the most noteworthy response from the room came when Baugh… Read More

McCain: limited value to GOP

I tried to think of a more creative title for this post but this one just worked.

I have never liked Senator John McCain and when he made it his priority to cut and run with my constitutional rights with his so-called campaign finance reform, I realized that it was my mission to dislike him even more.

He has some (albeit likely short lived) ability to connect with the American People. That may be one for the reasons why people like Irvine Company billionaire Donald Bren and Schwarzenegger campaign manager Steve Schmidt have signed on with the mal-tempered senator from Arizona to try to make him president.

But I am a big believer in understanding people’s motivations. For Schmidt its a money play. He is hot coming off a huge win for the Governor and can command big $$s. So he went with whomever was willing pay him the big money. For Bren, sure it would nice to pick the next president two years out. But if McCain doesn’t become president, he will be in the U. S. Senate for life or Secretary of the Interior?, Bren knows having 100% of a U. S. Senator or cabinet secretary is better than a maybe president.

So as you see people… Read More

Shawn Steel

The California GOP: $16,000,000 Answers

Many members of the California Republican Party are asking, "What happened to the Party’s expensive 2006 GOTV program?"

Since the CRP’s biennial reorganizational convention is coming up soon (February 9-11 at the Capitol Hyatt in Sacramento), important questions need clear and honest answers. I will try to do so based on the facts I have learned…

The CRP’s Operating Account in 2005 spent a total of $9,100,000. Combining all CRP accounts (19 in all), including Assembly and Senate Republicans and Team California, the total expenses was $18,700,000 in all of 2005. Not bad for a Party out of power.

At the beginning of 2006 the members of the CRP Board of Directors were faced with poor political prospects, which generally became fact, including the Governor’s race. Remember — at that point Arnold was still suffering from the $164 million government-union-sponsored anti-Arnold hesteria.

The CRP has a committee, designated Cal Plan which provides a specifric political budget for each election cycle. It’s a powerful committee. Membership of the Cal Plan Committee is restricted to a few members of… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Governor – Hot or Cold?

Am I the only one that finds irony in the fact that the Governor today is praising the introduction of a Senate Resolution for the United States to cozy up to a global table at the United Nations to discuss global warming — when it is so cold here? It was almost hard to find the Governor’s release praising this resolution amidst all of the others declaring emergencies around the state due to the severe frost conditions.

I just found it a bit ironic.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Why did Don Perata sink the nomination of Joe Nunez?

Board of Equalization Member Bill Leonard in his weekly e-mail newsletter asks this rather obvious question…. Leonard served as a California State Senator for many years. We may never hear Senator Perata publicly claim credit for sinking the CTA boss in his confirmation vote for the State Board of Education. But with Republican Senators Denham and Maldonado giving their ‘aye’ votes for the head of the successful union-led effort to sink the 2005 special election reform measures, the only place that Nunez need look for answers is in the office of the President Pro-Tem:

From the Leonard Letter:

***Missing Senators*** The mainstream press has again missed a political story. Governor Schwarzenegger’s appointee to the State Board of Education, Joe Nunez, was on a deadline to be confirmed to that board by the Senate. The vote was scheduled by the Senate leadership with only days to go. Republican SenatorsRead More

Mike Spence

CRP Voter Registration Folly: What the Plan for this year?

Several weeks ago I penned a piece on some areas of focus that members of the state party should ask candidates for statewide office. See it here.I believe there is a great need to reform what we do. These items are not ideological, but mechanical. When liberals took over the state party they claimed that they would be inclusive (didn’t happen) and that they would focus on the basics. Let’s look at one area that needs change. Voter registration this last cycle shifted from a bounty system that paid professionals and local activist groups could participate in to one statewid vendor. This year the party spent over 2.2 million dollars on voter registration. Their program was to hire a vendor to pay people by the hour in only 13 CaliforniaRead More