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Jon Fleischman

Former Rep. Pombo urges a vote for Forbis

Next weekend, the California Republican Party Convention will take place at the Sacramento Hyatt Hotel. FR friend Ron Nehring is running unopposed for the Chairmanship. The race for statewide Vice-Chairman, though, is a three-way donnybrook between Tom Bordonaro, Tom Del Becarro, and Jalene Forbis. On this blog, we’ve featured columns from all three. Also, we featured a letter from Assemblyman Chuck DeVore on behalf of Bordonaro and a letter from Tony Strickland on behalf of Del Becarro. Below is a letter that I received from former United States Congressman Richard Pombo on behalf of the candidacy of Jalene Forbis: FROM THE DESK OF FORMER CONGRESSMAN RICHARD POMBO

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Brandon Powers

Duf Admits, CRP In the Red

Though still not responding to any of Mike Spence’s questions, earlier today CRP Chairman Duf Sundheim did at least acknowledge the CRP’sdebt. Though not exactly the best kept secret in politics, even stating the obvious is refreshing as it represents a level of forthrightness that frankly I’m not accustomed to from this Chairman.In a letter which in words and in tone Duf claimed to want to "set the record straight,"he still managed toavoid ANY specificity as to how the Party’s financial status came to be.

However,Duf did at least saythat starting in the Spring, at least something is scheduled to be done aboutthe situation. A couple of fundraisers are set, with the Governor and Steve Poiznerhave signed on to help bring in the bucks…As perferable as action isto inaction,it still would’ve been nicehad those fundraisers been able to have been used to put the Partyactually into the black, rather than just back to ZERO, but oh well…

From our Mighty Leader:… Read More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Party “Reforms” Have Been Counterproductive

Having served as Treasurer of the State Republican Party from 1999-2001, I know a little something about the way the Party was run then, and run now. During my term, the Party Board of Directors and Chairman had the authority and responsibility to make decisions and implement policy for the benefit of building the Party organization in the State. The Party had leverage against Presidential and Gubernatorial nominees and was at the table in a significant way, on all matters including finance and operations.There was an interdependent relationship, and although it resulted often in friction and negotiation, it was a process that served the Party well for decades

When then Chairman John McGraw, and Executive Director Jon Fleischman actually had the audacity to stand up to the Bush campaign and California legislative leaders during the 2000 cycle, right or wrong, some conservative members of the Party Board led a coup attempt against McGraw and Fleischman, and I am proud to say I had a big role in putting down that uprising (some of those coup leaders are still around today). Their efforts were misguided and led to the "reformed Party" we see in operation… Read More

Jon Fleischman

How did the CRP end up in debt? The Membership Deserves A Report.

Yesterday, California Republican Party Chairman Duf Sundheim sent out an e-mail , presumably to CRP Members, where he addressed the issue of the CRP’s debt, and specifically assured Party Members that there was a plan in place to retire this debt in the next few months. Based on what I have heard, the CRP ended the election with somewhere between $4.5 and $5 million in debt — $3 million being a loan taken out and the rest being various expenditures in the final weeks of the campaign that, when the dust cleared, exceeded what was in the bank. To be honest, my primary concern here is not the debt itself. It is actually fairly common for political parties and campaign committees to incur debt — albeit this is a very large one. I am more concerned about the process. Specifically, how we got into debt. Questions in my mind include who authorized the debt, and who knew we were spending funds beyond what was readily available to pay the bills. For example, a big piece of this debt is what I have heard is a $3 million dollar loan that was taken out by the… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: How did the CRP end up in debt? The Membership Deserves A Report.

[Note from Jon: Some of you may be reading this post because you were referred by an e-mail from my opponent for CRP office. Needless to say, I could have disabled this link. But what I said when I wrote this is still my opinion today. I have run a positive campaign for this Party office, never once attacking my opponent (let alone on character issues). It is my hope, since she has "referred" you to this website, that you will take some time while you are here to check it out. The FlashReport is a place where we compile news and views on California politics. We have over twenty top notch writers for the site (all Republican) and it has been a lot of fun to put together. I think you will enjoy it. I look forward to seeing you at convention this weekend, and am happy to discuss any matters with you that you would like. I love the GOP, and have spent decades working hard to elect Republicans to office because I am passionate about our principles! Jon]

Yesterday, California Republican Party Chairman Duf Sundheim sent out an… Read More

Mike Spence

I love being right. Knight to run for Assembly 36th AD

It is October 2005. FlashReport has launched and I need content to keep the publisher off my back. I write a column that says the 36th AD race will be decided by the outcome of the Palmdale City Council election that November. Steve Knight a LAPD officer and sone of State Senate and Prop. 22 author Pete Knight is running for City Council. If he wins, he will be a favorite for the Assembly race. See story here.

I get calls saying no way is Knight running.

Well, I get a couple calls that guess what Knight is running in 2008. It is a miracle.HE clearly becomes the front runner. He will face Palmdale’s union backed, car tax loving Mayor Jim Ledford. See here. God Speed

I’m wrong so often, it’s nice when I’m right… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Mayor Newsom – What a disappointment…

When Speaker Fabian Nunez held his press conference yesterday to announce that his "support" for a fair redistricting process, he didn’t count on the Mayor of San Francisco displacing all of his prime media coverage — yet that is exactly what happened. Nunez’ little tap-dance where he and his termed-out, self-interested legislative colleagues who desperately don’t want to have to return to life outside of the legislature was relegated to less optimal locations in state newspapers… We will be talking a lot here about this ‘deal’ where a weakening of California’s term-limits statute gets married up with a fair redistricting proposal, and the pros and cons. But since I am in a hurry this morning, I will jump straight to the big news of the day… San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom had an affair with his campaign manager’s wife… Joy. The good news for Newsom is that our nation is filled with examples of public… Read More

Matthew J. Cunningham

AD71 Candidates Are Starting Their Engines

The race to succeed termed-out Assemblyman Todd Spitzer is gearing up.

Over at Red County/Riverside, you can read about Corona Mayor Pro Tem Jeff Miller signing up GBWA to run his campaign, and about other potential contenders.

In OC, Rancho Santa Margarita Councilman Neil Blais has hired JohnsonClark & Associates to run his AD71 effort.… Read More