TapeGate II — And the Folsom Prison Blues
FR friend Adam Mendelsohn had to work a lot over the weekend, as Phil Angelides and/or his operatives have released more of their secret cache of audio recordings of Governor Schwarzenegger with his speechwriters, that were famously extracted from the Governor’s computer system by crafty though questionable techniques. Of course Cathy Calfo, who managed Angelides’ losing bid, denies they released the tapes (again). Riiiight. The Governor’s office released the following statement from Mendelsohn:
"In what can only be called reprehensible and shameful, those associated with the Phil Angelides campaign have leaked the private conversations of Governor Schwarzenegger to the media again. This type of behavior is exactly why people have such a low opinion of politicians. "There are over three hours of private tapes. They show a Governor who is thoughtful, concerned and focused on … Read More