Party “Reforms” Have Been Counterproductive
Having served as Treasurer of the State Republican Party from 1999-2001, I know a little something about the way the Party was run then, and run now. During my term, the Party Board of Directors and Chairman had the authority and responsibility to make decisions and implement policy for the benefit of building the Party organization in the State. The Party had leverage against Presidential and Gubernatorial nominees and was at the table in a significant way, on all matters including finance and operations.There was an interdependent relationship, and although it resulted often in friction and negotiation, it was a process that served the Party well for decades
When then Chairman John McGraw, and Executive Director Jon Fleischman actually had the audacity to stand up to the Bush campaign and California legislative leaders during the 2000 cycle, right or wrong, some conservative members of the Party Board led a coup attempt against McGraw and Fleischman, and I am proud to say I had a big role in putting down that uprising (some of those coup leaders are still around today). Their efforts were misguided and led to the "reformed Party" we see in operation… Read More