Tom Bordonaro for CRP Vice Chairman
When the campaign for the California Republican Party Vice Chairmanship began, I was honored to lend my support to the candidacy of my dear friend and fellow GOP activist, Jalene Forbis. You must know that when she decided to withdraw from the campaign for vice chairman, she immediately threw her support to former State Assemblyman Tom Bordonaro-a man of accomplishment, great reputation and conservative values. I’ve known Tom for nearly six years and of his reputation as a standard bearer for our party for much longer, including his time in the Assembly and his valiant efforts to run for, and very nearly win, that coastal Congressional seat for our side.
The reasons I have joined Jalene in supporting Tom Bordonaro for Vice Chairman are many, but most important among them is that he has demonstrated the highest degree of character and sound judgment throught out his public life. I believe our state party deserves to have such a leader as vice chairman as we enter this critical presidential cycle.
Tom Bordonaro can be trusted to use all of his boundless energy and experience to support the successful development of our grassroots infrastructure… Read More