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Support: Tom Bordonaro

I have decided to endorse Tom Bordonaro for CRP Vice Chairman.

A couple weeks ago I noted that none of the then-three candidates for CRP vice chairman had been running aggressive campaigns including whip operations. I have since seen Bordonaro’s campaign in action and I have decided to support hm.

My support is based on two factors.

1) How a candidate campaigns for party office can portend how he or she will organize and run the state party. Bordonaro has stepped up his campaigning efforts and run a dynamic convention vote-getting effort.

2) State Senate Republican Leader Dick Ackerman is a strong supporter of Tom Bordonaro, I trust Senator Ackerman’s judgment.

My endorsement and support of Tom Bordonaro does not represent an endorsement from the Flash Report or any other contributor to this site.Read More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Duf Sundheim’s GOP Chairmanship

When I met Duf Sundheim in the fall of 2002, it was not a difficult decision to endorse him for Chairman in the upcoming GOP organizing election. I knew I would be a major conservative "defection" and would enable him to more easily seek conservative support, and am pleased to this day with my decision, and proud to have been a small part of his victory in 2003.

All Chairman, whether they serve two or four years, draw the ire of at least 40% of the Party delegates at some point or another. Every Chairman I have ever observed has been accused by somebody of being a liar, game player, weak, untrustworthy or some other name. Everyone has a story about being "screwed" by the Chair. Duf himself has not been immune from these criticisms.

Very few people understand the sacrifice a Party Chairman makes. It is essentially a full time position and in California, where it is nearly impossible to achieve statewide victories, thankless at best.

In his organizational process, he immediately enlisted a fair mix of moderate and conservative leaders to select Party Committees – the best process I have ever seen. As a result, these… Read More

Barry Jantz

Sunday San Diego…Notes from the Convention

Ode to Fleischman… I mistakenly believed that at some point in life I would become old enough (perhaps even responsible enough) to actually pass a night at a Republican Party convention with a good night’s sleep. Some things never change.

It is with firsthand experience that I can now tell you the down-side of staying in Jon Fleischman’s hotel suite at a California Republican Party convention. Not that Jon will always have a suite of rooms, but in this case he did, so I accepted his gracious offer to stake a claim. The disadvantage is that regardless of the hour in the morning I had planned to arise by my own volition via a front desk wake up call, I instead was awakened at 5 a.m. by the soft but persistent tap-tap-tap of the notebook keyboard as Saturday’s FlashReport was being compiled. The show, apparently, must go on…regardless of my needs.

As has already been posted, a big congratulations to Jon for handily winning the California Republican Party’s vice chairman south position… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Del Bacarro Wins CRP Post

For those following such things, congratulations to Tom Del Becarro on being elected Vice Chairman of the California Republican Party. He bested his opponent, former Assemblyman Tom Bordonaro, Jr., by a couple hundred votes.

He will lead the Party with Ron Nehring, who was unanimously elected Chairman.… Read More

James V. Lacy

Like I said, the Jerry Brown lawsuit would be, and was, tossed out of court

On Friday Sacramento Superior Court Judge Gail Ohanesian rejected in its entirety a lawsuit brought by GOP volunteers to have Jerry Brown’s election as Attorney General overturned on the highly technical grounds that his bar dues status was inactive for a few years while he was Mayor of Oakland.

I have written on this issue before a few times in this space. As I have said before, I am no fan of Jerry Brown, however, this lawsuit againstBrown was unfair from the start.First, thePlaintiffs filed the action too late (they filed it after the Secretary of State had already certified Brown as a candidate and after he had won the election for the Democrat nomination, and just a few weeks before the general election. The proper time, and best time legally for Plaintiffs to have a chance to win, would have been to file the action right afterBrown filed as a candidate and before he was certified or before he won the Democrat primary). But by letting time pass andfiling the action late in the electoral process, the Plaintiffs assured they would lose their case, because a judge would clearly view the prejudice to the voters of California in turning outa… Read More

Jill Buck

Conservative Conservation: How the GOP Can (& Should) Lead the Environmental Movement

At the CRP Convention, I gave a 90 minute session on the title of this commentary. My background in environmental issues stems from my concern as a mother of three about the condition of the world I leave my children. In 2002, I wrote the Go Green Initiative, a conservative conservation program requiring no taxes, nor legislation, which is now the largest and fastest growing comprehensive environmental education program in the nation- operating in 30 states, the UK, and in Cameroon, Africa. For more information, see:

I am also proud to be a lifelong Republican, and Republicans have historically led the environmental movement. President Theodore Roosevelt partnered with John Muir to create our National Parks system. President Nixon signed the Clean Air, Endangered Species, and National Environmental Protection Acts, and he created the federal EPA. When Ronald Reagan was our Governor, he signed CEQA into law. And when Christie Todd Whitman was Secretary of the Interior she created a model of voluntary and creative solutions programs that allowed businesses in all sectors to determine the most… Read More

Jill Buck

Good Luck This Morning, Boss!

Here is our fearless Flasher, pictured last night with Assemblyman Paul Cook! While Col. Cook and I talked Iraq over a rack of lamb (I’m not kidding… Iraq over ‘a rack’)…Jon came up and made walking billboards of the whole group who enthusiastically support him for Vice Chair South.

Cast your vote at 9 am today!… Read More

Fleischman wins.

Jon Fleischman won the race for Californa Republicans Party Vice Chairman South this morning at the CRP Convention in Sacramento.

Unlike a recent call of mine this race is totally over.

Fleischman 142 | Wall 83

An additional 35 provisional ballots were not counted because they could not have affected the outcome.

Congratulations Jon.

Fleischman also holds the position of second vice chairman of the Republican Party of Orange County.… Read More