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Barry Jantz

More Statesmanship

Since my commentary yesterday on statesmanship in the GOP, and those candidates during last weekend’s California Republican Party convention who had offered public congrats to their winning opponents, the comments and emails have been fast and furious.

This includes some added remarks of congratulations, although no coincidence between the following and my FR post of yesterday is implied or intended:

Dear Republican Leader,

I want to congratulate Laura Gadke on her election as the California Republican Party Vice Chairman for the Central Valley Region.

I believe both Laura and I ran a campaign based on wanting to help Republican Central Committees and volunteer organizations in our region. Our goals are the same: to help our Central Committees build better registration programs, expand Republican volunteer programs and our donor base.

I pledge to help Laura in her efforts and I look forward to working with her and our Central Committee members and volunteer organizations throughout theRead More

Congressman John Campbell

The Words of an American Hero

During today’s debate on a non-binding resolution pertaining to the Iraq War, Representative Sam Johnson (R-Texas) gave a speech which moved many of my colleagues and me. The resolution, which opposes troop reinforcements in Iraq, passed by a vote of 246-182. Rep. Johnson and I were among the 182 members who opposed the resolution. When it comes to talking about the War in Iraq, Rep. Johnson, who served in the Korean and Vietnam Wars and spent eight years a prisoner or war, has a higher standing than most if not all of my colleagues in Congress. A link to the speech is below.

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Jennifer Nelson

The beat goes on….

The fallout from Mayor Gavin Newsom’s affair with a married staff member continues as the SF Chronicle reports today that Ruby Rippey-Tourk received $10,000 in retroactive pay which city officials are having a hard time explaining. While all of this is occurring in the background, Newsom is trying to conduct his business as usual. Yesterday, he gave a speech in which he admitted to failing the city in terms of public safety and infrastructure maintenance. Earlier this week, he celebrated the third anniversary of his attempt to legalize gay marriage in the city (apparently, Newsom respects the solemnity of gay marriage, but not solemnity of the marriage of his… Read More

Mike Spence

Strickland: “Voters Will reject Term Limit Changes”

This morning the San Gabriel Valley Lincoln Club (Which I chair) held their monthly meeting. The speaker was former Assemblyman and controller candidate Tony Strickland. He of course will run for McClintock’s seat in the Senate.

A lively discussion of Presidential candidates took place. Strickland is a Romney guy. Most interesting he predicted that this attempt to change term limits would fail. Tony says he supports some changes in term limits, but that voters are smart enough to reject the plan that Nunez has.

Tony won’t be able to run if he’s wrong.… Read More

Barry Jantz

Today’s Commentary: Statesmanship in the State GOP

One of the best barometers of statesmanship is sometimes exemplified by losing politicians who make the effort to congratulate their successful opponents.

At the national level, of course, such an act is considered a must, because of the media attention that goes along with the congratulatory phone call, often hand-in-hand with a concession. Whether the loser actually wants to congratulate—and personally concede to—a sometimes reviled opponent is irrelevant compared to the bad publicity that would follow for not doing so. In some cases, it is more important to look like a statesman than it is to actually be one. Perhaps more accurately, the threat of appearing to be a sore loser is more significant than whether one is in private.

Thus, I have always been deeply impressed by those on the short end of the election stick at the local level who take the time to congratulate the winner. In some cases, no media, no one watching, and no one knowing…short of the winner and the few that are told. Statesmanship, if it is possible to attribute that term to a non-elected, living person (and I refuse to use the "politically correct" bastardized… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Roll Calls’ Drucker tags Doolittle, Lewis and Miller as safe… For now…

I’ve known David Drucker, who does the gazing westward for Roll Call, for a long time now. He’s very capable, and his assessments are worth noting. Here’s his latest:

Weathering the Storm Four Battered California House Republicans Seen as Safe for Now By David M. Drucker Roll Call Staff February 15,Read More

Jon Fleischman

U.S. Term Limits President Paul Jacob responds to annoucement of Measure to Relax Term Limits

Today it was announced that a coalition of ‘interested parties’ is being formed to place a measure on the next statewide ballot (presumably the February ’08 Presidential Primary) to change our current term-limits restrictions from six two-year terms in the Assembly and two four-year terms in the State Senate, to a new limit that is 12 years aggregate in either chamber of the legislature. It is not clear yet what the passage of this measure would mean for all of the current incumbent legislators, though it is suspected that they would all get to serve a lot more time than they currently have left – especially important to those politicians like Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez who would face life in the private sector at the end of next year. Perhaps this is why Nunez is pledging to dip heavily into the $7+ million that he has stockpiled away in campaign funds.

Democrat strategist Gale Kaufman and Republican strategist Matthew Dowd are onboard with this measure, providing political leadership.

I reached out to Paul Jacobs, the President of United States Term Limits, the nation’s leading advocate for term limit measures around the… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Linda Shelton Should Not Have Been Confirmed To The Parole Board

For the past week, I had been hearing about the pending confirmation vote to take place for Linda Shelton, a Democrat who was appointed as a Commissioner on the Board of Parole Hearings by Governor Schwarzenegger about a year ago. The more I kept hearing, the more I was convinced that while the Governor may have made this appointment in good faith, believing that Shelton would be as tough on criminals as he was, clearly she demonstrated over her first year that she was not. Frankly, the Governor probably should have withdrawn her name from consideration before it came up for a vote, which happened earlier this week.

Frankly, were in not for the hectic schedule that I had due to last weekend’s California Republican Party convention, I would have been writing ahead of the nomination, urging the Governor to pull her name, and short of that, urging Senators concerned about her history of voting to put convicted violent felons out on the streets before their full sentence was served.

Given that liberals control the State Senate (you know the type, the ones who believe that if someone is a criminal, it is because ‘society’ let them down, not… Read More