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Jim Battin

My Day At The DMV — or — Bailey’s A Driver Now!

Last December I posted about the Democrats zeal in having the state take over health care in California. In an effort to be clever and make the point of how terrible it would be having bureaucrats make decisions about our health care, I titled the post "The Health Care Challenge — or — If You Love The DMV, You’ll Love Government Run Health Care". I concluded it writing "If we let the government take it over, we’ll get the same loving care as we get at the DMV"

I thought I’d made a pretty good point, and I discovered I also hit a nerve at the DMV. Lo and behold, George Valverde – the Director of the DMV – commented immediately:

The debate over a statewide health care system aside, Sen. Jim Battin’s comparison to the DMV is misplaced (The health care challenge – or if you love the DMV, you’ll love government run health care, 12/12/06 blog in FlashReport). Over the past three years, the DMV has achieved remarkable results in creating a customer-friendly atmosphere. WeRead More

Jon Fleischman

A look at what is making news today…

If you are a Republican, and think you may want to see what it is like to work for a member of the State Legislature in the Capitol Building, then don’t miss today’s lead column from Karen Pank, who, as an alumni of the Capitol Fellowship Program, makes a good case for GOPers to apply! No one that I know believes for a minute that the Fabian Nunez-pushed effort to put a term limits ‘reform’ measure on the ballot this February is about anything other than the Speaker and other term-limited incumbent politicians seeking to extend their own time in political office. There’s a story in the Sacramento Bee about how the measure was ‘tweaked’ when it was discovered that Senate President Pro-Tempore Don Perata would not be able to extend HIS time in office. Any measure that allows politicians to serve in any single chamber of the legislature longer than the current limits is a weakening of the measure. Mr. Speaker, make your case on why term limits are bad. But don’t insult the voters by trying to somehow frame your self-preservation measure as a ‘strengthening’ of term limits. … Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: A look at what is making news today…

If you are a Republican, and think you may want to see what it is like to work for a member of the State Legislature in the Capitol Building, then don’t miss today’s lead column from Karen Pank, who, as an alumni of the Capitol Fellowship Program, makes a good case for GOPers to apply! No one that I know believes for a minute that the Fabian Nunez-pushed effort to put a term limits ‘reform’ measure on the ballot this February is about anything other than the Speaker and other term-limited incumbent politicians seeking to extend their own time in political office. There’s a story in the Sacramento Bee about how the measure was ‘tweaked’ when it was discovered that Senate President Pro-Tempore Don Perata would not be able to extend HIS time in office. Any measure that allows politicians to serve in any single chamber of the legislature longer than the current limits is a weakening of the measure. Mr. Speaker, make your case on why term limits are bad. But don’t insult the voters by trying to somehow frame your self-preservation measure as a ‘strengthening’ of term limits. … Read More

Jon Fleischman

WSJ’s Fund: California Matters

California Matters

With California moving its presidential primary to Feb. 5 of next year, what Golden State voters think about White House politics has actually begun to matter. A new poll of likely primary voters by San Diego-based Datamar, Inc. shows the two current frontrunners to be Hillary Clinton and Rudy Giuliani.

The poll shows Ms. Clinton with 34% of the vote, leading Barack Obama’s 24% and John Edwards’ 16%. Given Ms. Clinton’s enormous name ID advantage, her lead is not compelling. On the GOP side, pundits were startled to see former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani with 41% support, John McCain with only 17% and Mitt Romney trailing with 11%.

GOP analysts say the… Read More

Well Appointed: Curt Pringle

Anaheim Mayor and former Speaker of the State Assembly Curt Pringle was just appointed by the Governor to the Public Employee Post-Employment Benefits Commission. He will serve with former UC Regents Chairman Gerry Parsky among others to find solutions to unfunded benefits for public employees.

You may recall reading that Mayor Pringle was also recently appointed by the Governor to the CA High Speed Rail Authority.

It’s not hard to figure out why the Governor would tap Mayor Pringle twice in as many weeks to serve on important statewide commissions–Pringle is a natural leader and a dynamic problem solver. I like having Curt on my team no matter what the effort.

But these two appointments are helpful in proving a point of mine, that there is a major lack of leaders in government and politics today. Perhaps it has always been that way, but among the thousands and… Read More

Jon Fleischman

WSJ: Lockyer subject of critical editorial…

California’s former Attorney General, now our State Treasurer, was banged up pretty hard by a Wall Street Journal editorial yesterday, that is worthy of sharing:

Sunshine for HoodsFebruary 20, 2007, Wall Street Journal

Following the example of Eliot Spitzer, state attorneys general have had a field day using their power to accuse all and sundry of wrong-doing. So it’s only fair that a little sun is now beginning to shine on the cozy business relationships between these AGs and their trial lawyer buddies.

The sight won’t be pretty, judging from a recent Associated Press report that former California AG Bill Lockyer’s office concealed tens of millions of dollars in contracts with lobbyists and legal firms. California has an open-records law so the public can see how officials spend their money. Yet Mr. Lockyer’s office… Read More

Shawn Steel

Gasoline on the Pension Fire

Farsighted state employees are realizing that state pension benefits are an illusion. Nowhere in the world does any government match the pension benefits as California state employees. However, many economists are warning that as billions and billions that will become due, those employees will get stiffed.Consider San Diego on steroids.

So what to do? Bring in financial experts in a special commission.

Would you hire a person who publicly opposed the Recall that got this Governor elected, who nearly bankrupted the Republican Party, who personally stiffed RNC funds for the nearly successful McClintock comptroller campaign in 2002, who testified against the GOP pension fix in 2005, presided over the scandalous UC payroll cover-up,was sued by Treasury Secretary William Simonand has a blatant conflict of interest because hemakes millions managing CalPERS money?

The choice of Parsky is laughable throughout California and extending to Washington where Parsky tried but failed to impose himself as Secretary of Treasury.

Goodness knows that this post employment benefits commission is doomed before it starts.… Read More

Ray Haynes

Did They Really Think About This?

The move by the Senate to move the California presidential primary to February is set to come before the Assembly this week. The reason for the change, according to rumors in the Capitol, is to put a term limit change on the ballot before the filing period for the legislative races in 2008. If term limits are changed before the filing period, existing termed out legislators will be able to extend their terms beyond 2008.

Here is the problem.

The 2008 filing period begins right around the first week of February. Tons of people are running for the Senate and Assembly seats of the termed out members. People are announcing campaigns, raising money, actively seeking to fill the offices. Lobbyists are evaluating these candidates, and will have to make decisions soon about who to back.

So what happens if terms limits are extended? Lots of candidates, expecting to succeed the current office holders will have raised lots of money and campaign support for the offices that the incumbents will run to keep. Will they be challenged by people who have already spent a year of their lives, raised hundreds of thousands of dollars, actively sought local… Read More