Today’s Commentary: Top Ten Ways to Maximize The FlashReport
Are you getting the most out of the FlashReport? Here is our "Top Ten Ways To Maximize the FlashReport": 1) Sign up for the daily e-mail on the main page. This is great for two reasons. The first is that we send you all of the headlines from each day’s news, so that whether you want to eyeball them on your computer, or scroll through them on your Blackberry, Treo or other PDA, you are "in the know" on the news of the day. The other reason is that it is your way of knowing when the main page has been updated each morning, as we send the e-mail alert right after compiling the days news. The e-mail now links back to the day associated with the headlines in it – a request of many readers. 2) The Main Page will give you a comprehensive look at California politics. Our motto is, "We spend two hours so you can spend two minutes — or twenty." Our team visits over 80 websites each morning to make sure that if there is a story on California politics, anywhere, we find it and link to in on the main page! Hint: If you go to the toggle next to the date in the upper right corner, you can actually choose… Read More