Posted by Jill Buck at 12:00 am on Feb 22, 2007 3 Comments
When I was campaigning for the 18th AD, people asked me about my
stance on abortion all the time. They wanted to hear me say
pro-choice or pro-life, because they bought into the idea that a
person had to be one or the other, and that divisive camps are
somehow helpful. I disagree. This was my answer on abortion:
“I’m Catholic, and I believe life is precious at every stage. I’d
like to see abortion rates come down every year …but I’d like that
to happen through freedom of choice. I’d like to do such a good job
of supporting women through their reproductive choices that
abortion becomes a product that womenno longer want to buy,
but we don’t need to take it off the shelf to accomplish
that.” By suggesting a free market solution vs. a mandated
solution, I found that people who were pro-life and pro-choice
could support my stance…and more importantly, they felt less need
for a "pro-something" label, and more need to really engage in a
freedom-based solution. They could see that while labels are
convenient for those who need money, power, headlines, foot
soldiers, and protesters – the fact is, those labels divide our
country unnecessarily for the… Read More