New appointee of Governor excited to serve… Though not registered to vote…yet.
A h/t to Los Angeles Times blogger Bob Salladay who pointed out that in the most recent batch of Gubernatornial appointees, there is one, Gregory Bell, 21, of Los Angeles, who was appointed to the State Advisory Committee on Juvenile Justice and Delinquency, who sticks out because instead of being listed with his party registration (or DTS), his appointment is annotated with, "Bell is not registered to vote."
Of course, the Governor’s office knew this fact from the get go, as I just reviewed the application form and you are asked whether you are registered to vote as one of the screening questions. Apparently there is no right or wrong answer to this question, it would seem. I was curious about this, and so I thought, since I report on political news that I would just pick up phone and call Mr. Bell to ask him about this. I reached him at his place of work, at the Los Angeles County Children’s Planning Council, where, according to the Governor’s release,… Read More