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Jon Fleischman

New appointee of Governor excited to serve… Though not registered to vote…yet.

A h/t to Los Angeles Times blogger Bob Salladay who pointed out that in the most recent batch of Gubernatornial appointees, there is one, Gregory Bell, 21, of Los Angeles, who was appointed to the State Advisory Committee on Juvenile Justice and Delinquency, who sticks out because instead of being listed with his party registration (or DTS), his appointment is annotated with, "Bell is not registered to vote."

Of course, the Governor’s office knew this fact from the get go, as I just reviewed the application form and you are asked whether you are registered to vote as one of the screening questions. Apparently there is no right or wrong answer to this question, it would seem. I was curious about this, and so I thought, since I report on political news that I would just pick up phone and call Mr. Bell to ask him about this. I reached him at his place of work, at the Los Angeles County Children’s Planning Council, where, according to the Governor’s release,… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: As our GOP Quarterback, Schwarzenegger is helping Dems to score touchdowns!

ANALOGY WARNING: I have been told by those closest to me that when I try to wind up a lengthy analogy, sometimes I miss the mark. That said, I am going to try to equate the Governor’s behavior with California Democrats to a football game. Wish me luck:

Imagine that we are all on the same football team, and that is the middle of an important game. We’re all on the field, intent on scoring an important touchdown. Suddenly, our quarterback, who without doubt is our leader out there on the field, receives the ball, and to the amazement of everyone on our team (including the team boosters in the bleachers) he takes the ball, turns around, and runs about 30 yards towards our own goal line, and downs the ball! The reactions of the football players on our team is, as you can imagine, mixed. Some are shocked, some are dismayed — others, speechless.Read More

Jon Fleischman

Lieber’s Spanking Bill Is Still Around

If you were to believe numerous newspaper headlines from late last week, you would think that the ultimate "Nanny State" bill by Democrat Assemblywoman Sally Lieber, to criminalize the spanking of children by their parents, was dead and buried. Not so, I found out. Here’s the scoop for FR friend Karen England (pictured below) over at the Capitol Resource Instutute:

Assemblywoman Sally Lieber (D- Mountain View) has, as promised, introduced a bill to ban parents from using physical force in disciplining their children. AB 755 bans parents from using spanking as discipline for misbehavior.Read More

Jill Buck

This One’s For the Girls

At the CRP convention a couple of weeks ago, I was interested to see Rudy Giuliani’s speech. Though he did not electrify the crowd the way Mitt Romney did at the last CRP convention (arguably one of the best speeches I have ever witnessed), there was something in Mayor Giuliani’s speech that will remain with me for a long time. He enumerated many reasons why we must prevail in the war on terror, most of which we hear on Fox News everyday. But he gave one reason that is often overlooked, but no less important: women’s rights. Our nation has come a long way in ensuring that women have every opportunity to reach their God-given potential as men, and we don’t want to take a single, solitary, nano step backward. Yet look at the way women and girls are treated in countries where Islamic extremists rule with a heavy hand. I can’t help but wonder how quickly the war in Iraq and Afghanistan might end if we gave superior fire power to all the women who’ve been treated worse than cattle in those countries.

So, I appreciated Giuliani’s rationale that one of the many reasons America must prevail in the war against Islamic extremists is to… Read More

Congressman John Campbell

More Bills

More Bills: Continuing last week’s theme, here are more of the bills that I will be working on this Congress. Just a reminder that some of these will not become law this Congress, but I will be working with my colleagues to increase support and move them forward. Here they are in no particular order:

Energy/Fuel Choice Bill – This is a big bipartisan effort to deal with the problem of energy security. The main motivation behind the leaders of this bill (myself included) is to reduce dependence on foreign oil for reasons of national security. We want to stop funding the efforts of countries around the world where the people want to kill us. There are also inherent environmental benefits. The overlying concept behind this legislation is that you really only have one choice today to fuel your car and that is an oil based product. This bill would require both infrastructure and car manufacturers to transition over the next five years to a significant percentage of vehicles having the option of running on some fuel other than 100% oil. These could be ethanol, methanol, bio-diesel, plug-in hybrids, or any combination thereof that… Read More

Brandon Powers

FlashReport Cleans Up At Annual Pollie Awards

Last weekend, the annual Pollie Awards were handed out by the American Association of Political Consultants – the “campaign world’s version of the Oscars” as FR advertiser SchubertFlint Public Affairs put it.

Despite almost 3,000 entries in 80 categories, the FlashReport’s stable of contributors and advertisers took home (by my count) 20 Pollies.

FR Contributor Tom Ross’ firm, Meridian Pacific, grabbed two.

FR Contributor Duane Dichiara’s firm, Coronado Communications,won one.

Your humble author took homeone as well.

FR advertisers Bieber Communications, JohnsonClark Associates, SchubertFlint Public Relations, and Visteva each also were award winners.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

As our GOP Quarterback, Schwarzenegger is helping Dems to score touchdowns!

ANALOGY WARNING: I have been told by those closest to me that when I try to wind up a lengthy analogy, sometimes I miss the mark. That said, I am going to try to equate the Governor’s behavior with California Democrats to a football game. Wish me luck:

Imagine that we are all on the same football team, and that is the middle of an important game. We’re all on the field, intent on scoring an important touchdown. Suddenly, our quarterback, who without doubt is our leader out there on the field, receives the ball, and to the amazement of everyone on our team (including the team boosters in the bleachers) he takes the ball, turns around, and runs about 30 yards towards our own goal line, and downs the ball! The reactions of the football players on our team is, as you can imagine, mixed. Some are shocked, some are dismayed — others, speechless.Read More

James V. Lacy

Gilchrist doesn’t get TRO instead, new hearing planned March 21

An Orange County Superior Court Judge today decided to not rule on Jim Gilchrist’s request for an ex parte emergency order to take back control of the Minuteman Project, Inc. website, bank account, and other assets. Instead, the Judge scheduled a new hearing on March 21.

The scheduling of the new hearing gives dissident Minuteman Project, Inc. Directors Barbara Coe, Marvin L. Stewart, and Deborah Peterson, the opporunity to prepare more extensive responsive papers and potentially some time to schedule a deposition of Gilchrist. Gilchrist claims that Coe, Stewart and Peterson are not directors of Minuteman Project, Inc., and that he is the sole director. But Coe, Stewart and Peterson claim they are the directors of Minuteman Project, Inc., and that Gilchrist has poorly managed the organization by bouncing checks, signing checks without authority, failing to obtain IRS tax-exempt status, abusing postal rate regulations, and using the nonprofit organization to receive personal royality payments from a private book deal.

Gilchrist is represented by Irvine attorney and former Congressional candidate Guy Maille. I am representing Coe, Stewart and… Read More