Flash Report Coined the Phrase “Conservative Conservation”
In a Friday morning column from the Republican Governor of South Carolina, you will read some familiar concepts that were posted on the FR a couple of weeks ago.
The item begins:
A Conservative Conservationist? Why the Right Needs to Get Invested in the Search for Climate Change Solutions By Mark Sanford Friday, February 23, 2007
When George W. Bush, The Post and the insurance giant Lloyd’s of London agree on something, it’s obvious a new wind is blowing. The climate change debate is here to stay, and as America warms to the idea of environmental conservation on a grander scale, it’s vital that conservatives change the debate before government regulation expands yet again and personal freedom is pushed closer toward extinction.
The fact is, I’m a conservative and a conservationist — and that’s okay.
For the past 20 years, I have seen the ever-so-gradual effects of rising sea levels at our… Read More