Floor Vote on Early Presidential Primary Delayed
The Assembly did not take up SB 113-Calderon today, nor will it happen Monday, perhaps not til the following Monday, March 12.… Read More
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The Assembly did not take up SB 113-Calderon today, nor will it happen Monday, perhaps not til the following Monday, March 12.… Read More
A Mexican Border Town in LA County. Is that some right-wing opinion or stereotype? This article in the LA Weekly, a liberal independent newspaper is a must read. Drugs, corruption, violence, we have it all here in LA! Read it here.… Read More
Citizen’s United, a conservative group based out of the Beltway, just released it’s awaited "manifesto" on why conservatives must not support Senator John McCain for President.
CU’s Advisory Board includes many folks whom I know from back in my days as an activist with Young Americans for Freedom, including Dave Bossie, Floyd Brown, and Ron Robinson.
I’ve attached the .pdf of this 20++ page document for your downloading pleasure.
Of course, I expect that there will be similar tome’s created on why conservatives should not support Giuliani, or Romney. And if they are made, and sent my way, I will present those to you as well.
Like I have said, none of the three front-running GOP candidates are going to be ideal choices for movement conservatives. But at the end of the day, unless we sit it out, we’ll have to end up supporting someone…
I admit, after reading through the attached,… Read More
Stealing a thought from Joe Justin. I thought I’d title this postafter a song by the BusBoys. Whoreading thisremembers the BusBoys?
I was blessed to see them live at the one of the Inauguration balls of GeorgeBush- the first. (I’m not making this up) Horrible weather-great set.
Anyways, if you are a member of the Los Angeles UnifiedSchool Board and you honoring someone what do you say?
Well, if you are outgoing LAUSD member David Tokofsky you tell everyone their hometown was “friendly” to Nazis and the KKK. Like Westchesterwas Berlin in 1933 or something. … Read More
Well, it didn’t take long after the post below this one, where I share an ‘Anti-John McCain Manifesto’ that was sent my way before I was sent a link to this YouTube video set up to highlight areas where Giuliani has been at odds with conservatives. Now, how long until I get something on Mitt Romney? ;-)… Read More
I don’t agree with Democrat Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez on much. As a matter of fact, I think that I would be hard pressed to agree with him on just about anything. But in an AP story today penned by Erica Werner, the Assembly Speaker unloads on the recent DC trip of Governor Schwarzenegger. You can read the whole story here, but here is the choicest excerpt:
Nunez also commented skeptically about Schwarzenegger’s newfound advocacy for what the governor calls "post-partisan" politics. While in Washington, Schwarzenegger repeated the phrase he coined earlier this year, referring to himself as a governor who accepts ideas from all sides.
"What he’s talking about sounds good theoretically. I think in practical terms the way I read it is it’s just semantics. Post-partisanship – what does that mean? I don’t know. It’s some word he made up," Nunez said.
"But I think he has a claim, in some ways, to that new term because… Read More
A h/t to Los Angeles Times blogger Bob Salladay who pointed out that in the most recent batch of Gubernatornial appointees, there is one, Gregory Bell, 21, of Los Angeles, who was appointed to the State Advisory Committee on Juvenile Justice and Delinquency, who sticks out because instead of being listed with his party registration (or DTS), his appointment is annotated with, "Bell is not registered to vote."
Of course, the Governor’s office knew this fact from the get go, as I just reviewed the application form and you are asked whether you are registered to vote as one of the screening questions. Apparently there is no right or wrong answer to this question, it would seem. I was curious about this, and so I thought, since I report on political news that I would just pick up phone and call Mr. Bell to ask him about this. I reached him at his place of work, at the Los Angeles County Children’s Planning Council, where, according to the Governor’s release,… Read More
I know I’ve been posting fun — not serious — stuff of late, but some things are just too outstanding to pass up. Consider John Hoy’s email today with the subject header"Another great story promo from the SD Union-Tribune online edition," referring to this:
The suspect arrested today in the brutal murder-dismemberment of a man in the South Bay area is described by his former boss at a local porn store and others as polite and thoughtful.
Not that the story itself is fun or oustanding, but consider that the online promo writer was able to package the words brutal, murder, dismemberment, porn store, polite and thoughtfulall into one tightly-wrapped sentence.
Hey, whatever sells readership, but someone needs to hire that guy as a political hit-piece writer.
For extra credit, tell me from where I derived the title of this post.… Read More