As our GOP Quarterback, Schwarzenegger is helping Dems to score touchdowns!
ANALOGY WARNING: I have been told by those closest to me that when I try to wind up a lengthy analogy, sometimes I miss the mark. That said, I am going to try to equate the Governor’s behavior with California Democrats to a football game. Wish me luck:
Imagine that we are all on the same football team, and that is the middle of an important game. We’re all on the field, intent on scoring an important touchdown. Suddenly, our quarterback, who without doubt is our leader out there on the field, receives the ball, and to the amazement of everyone on our team (including the team boosters in the bleachers) he takes the ball, turns around, and runs about 30 yards towards our own goal line, and downs the ball! The reactions of the football players on our team is, as you can imagine, mixed. Some are shocked, some are dismayed — others, speechless. … Read More