Posted by Congressman Doug LaMalfa at 12:00 am on Mar 09, 2007 2 Comments
Bill Bradley’s New West Notes blogis one I like and I’ve
read several times and has featured very interestinginfo that
I’m sure his readers enjoy as well. Today’s "Trojan Horse
Primary" post is one that seems to be "calling me out" on this
issue that we’ve talked about here on the FR, even using that
title. OK Bill, let’s have some fun, it’s High Noon
Among the conservatives I talk to, we share an opinion
thatdoesn’t worry most about an unfair vote because
of low voter turnout, causing a term limit extension to pass.
I do expect a decent turn out, all things being relative, with the
presidential question on a February ballot.
The June primary, however,is likely to be a
tumbleweed-laden ghost town at voting precincts. Those will
be crickets you hear in the background, not the hum of voting
machines. Perhaps a very provocative Proposition could boost
that. Voter fatigue, however lame of an excuse that is not to
vote, will become even moreprevalent with June being the 10th
statewide election in a six year span.
All the political reasons… Read More