Today’s Commentary: Governor Schwarzenegger should veto the current bill on his desk to move the CA Presidential primary to February
If Governor Schwarzenegger is wondering how he has once again ended up staring down the barrel of an important piece of legislation that he really wants to sign, that was voted for by EVERY DEMOCRAT in the Assembly, and had the votes of NO REPUBLICANS, he really only needs to look in the mirror. You see, if I were in the position of the Democrats who control the majority in both chambers of the legislature, I wouldn’t bother to work with the Republicans given the Governor’s willingness to sign legislation opposed by any, or in some cases, all Republicans in the legislature. So how does legislation suffer when the Governor sends the message that he will sign bills that reach his desk with no GOP support? Well, let’s look at the bill in question, which is legislation to move the date of the California Presidential primary from June to February. This proposal has been talked about quite a bit, and, in fact, the Governor is on record stating his support for the idea. That said, what is not in the bill? Republicans wanted language making it clear that the State would reimburse the counties for the cost of administering another… Read More