Posted by Jon Fleischman at 12:00 am on Mar 10, 2007 Comments Off on Saturday Thoughts
* On Monday, we will be featuring columns advocating the leading
candidates for President penned by some of their prominent
California supporters. The candidate campaigns to whom we
reached out for columns were that of John McCain, Rudy Giuliani,
Mitt Romney, and our own Californian in the race, Duncan
Hunter. I am pleased that all four campaign chose to
participate, and so you can look forward to that treat on
Monday! Also, John McCain and Mitt Romney will be in
California next week and I will be attending events for both – so
we’ll be bringing you that scoop as well!
* In Sacramento County, longtime Republican Party Chairman Donna
Schalansky abruptly resigned after being convincingly re-elected to
another two-year term earlier this month. Donna has been a
longtime friend, and we wish her well in her future
endeavors. According to insiders involved with the County
GOP, First Vice Chairman Craig MacGlashan is heavily favored to be
elected to replace her at a meeting on April the 12th.
MacGlashan is the husband of Sacramento County Supervisor Roberta
* We continue to toodle around with our newest feature – being… Read More