Your New Myspace Friend…the Future President
Fleischman thinks he’s hot stuff because of all the mainpage "FlashCam" posts today on Mitt Romney’s visit. If Jon were hip, he’d cruise over to myspace.com and become a "friend" of any presidential candidate he chooses, all of ’em if he likes.
Check out http://impact.myspace.com/and know that every candidate is an Internet predator when it comes to courting the under-30 crowd. As Paris Hilton would say, "It’s hot."
Jon, let’s make this a feature….State candidates’ videos, right on the FlashReport!
Here’s the AP-HiTech story:
Presidential Hopefuls Make Myspace Pages
LOS ANGELES (AP) – Prospective voters eager to learn more about John McCain or to become an Internet "friend" of Barack Obama now have a new online opportunity. MySpace.com, the popular social networking site, on Sunday launched a section dedicated to the 2008 presidential election.
Called the Impact Channel,… Read More