Today’s Commentary: Rush Limbaugh–Irrelevant?
The Governor appeared on the Today Show yesterday to talk about his philosophy of government. During the course of the interview, the interviewer asked the Governor to comment on the criticisms of conservatives, including Rush Limbaugh, that he is not a Republican, and that he is not governing as a Republican. In essence, the Governor responded "Republican or Democrat is not relevant, Rush Limbaugh is irrelevant. All that matters is the people of the state of California. I represent the people." That may not be an exact quote, but I think it is fair representation of what the Governor said. This, of course, was not his attitude during the recall, when I endorsed him, or even during his re-election campaign, when he actively sought the help of Republicans. I don’t know if it is his attitude now, but that is what he said.
I recently went to see the movie, Amazing Grace, the story of William Wilberforce, whose decades long struggle to end the slave trade in England is one of the great political… Read More