Today’s Commentary: John McCain’s Profoundly Disappointing Comments
"Thou shalt not speak ill of a fellow Republican."
This so-called "11th Commandment" was created during the 1966 Gubernatorial campaign of Ronald Reagan. Then California Republican Party Chairman Gaylord Parkinson came up with the idea as Republicans around the country had just watched GOP Presidential nominee Barry Goldwater lose his race after prolonged, vicious attacks from the left within the Republican Party.
How ironic that over the years, this mantra has become something used by liberal Republicans, interested in fending off criticism from conservatives in the Grand Old Party.
Last weekend, United States Senator and Presidential aspirant John McCain invoked Reagan’s "11th Commandment" in a stinging criticism of the Club for Growth (CfG). For those who are not familiar with CfG, they are not a "Republican" organization, but rather a grassroots-based, non-partisan group that is focused on economic issues and whose membership often times focuses funds to help elect candidates for office who will fight to reduce the size and scope of the federal government. In… Read More