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Shawn Steel

Should the Republican Party Stay Republican?

"I’m concerned about not building into the general election a whole block of voters, that by that rule, we’ve isolated," said Tim Morgan, National committeeman.

San Jose Mercury News, March 14, 2007

Currently our rules provide that only the votes of registered Republican will be used to determine the outcome of the Republican Presidential Primary in California. A change to this rule may be debated and voted on this September 9th at the CRP fall convention in Palm Desert. The Party may be asked to permit some 3,000,000 Decline-To-State [DTS] voters to be able to vote in the Republican primary to select the GOP nominee for President.

While its true we permit DTS to vote in our legislative primaries presently, changes our current rule would erode the very function of our national Republican identity. Essentially, we would be following Arnold’s mistaken and hilariousvision of… Read More

History: Janet Nguyen Wins OC 1st Sup.

I said it in February on Election Night and once again now after a recount and an election contest before a judge…It’s good to Nguyen.

Almost two months after the election was held Garden Grove Councilwoman Janet Nguyen has prevailed in a legal challenge of her rightful victory for Orange County Board of Supervisors.

The judge ruled moments ago and she will be sworn in tomorrow.

Once again, congratulations to Gilliard, Blanning Wysocki & Assoc. for running a great campaign (Janet won by three, yes three votes once the judge got done reviewing the ballots). Also deserving of great props is Jimmy Camp who lead the recount team on the inside and attorneys Phil Greer and Andrew Do who argued the case before the judge.

This election is historic for several reasons: Janet Nguyen is now the highest ranking Vietnamese-American elected official in the nation AND this is the first time an election for an office this high-profile has ever been won in a recount. … Read More

Jon Fleischman

AD73: Harkey’s Campaign Kickoff Quite the Event

Dana Point Mayor Diane Harkey kicked off her campaign for the 73rd Assembly District with a fund raiser at the beautiful home of Assemblywoman Mimi Walters last Thursday evening – Walters is serving as Honorary Chairman of Harkey’s campaign.

It was quite the who’s who of Orange County. There were over 150 in attendance. Besides Assemblywoman Walters, also on hand were Supervisor Pat Bates, County Treasurer Chriss Street, Councilmembers Lisa Bartlett, Joe Soto, Elizabeth Schneider, Tom Hribar, Lon Uso, and Jack Feller (who came up from Oceanside) just to name a few. Former Assembly Republican Leader Scott Baugh was the Master of Ceremonies and announced that State Senator Tom Harman (who narrowly defeated Diane in a special election last year) is supporting her bid for the Assembly.

Perhaps the most notable attendee at the event was FR friend Paul Glaab, who serves on the Laguna Niguel City Council. For some time, it was being talked about that Glaab himself might run for this seat, and his… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Do you have a few thousand extra bucks to spare?

FR Beltway Correspondent Congressman John Campbell has written about the current efforts by Democrats in Congress to pass the LARGEST TAX INCREASE IN HISTORY. Thanks to the Americans for Tax Reform, you can now consult this chart and see how much the increase would mean for us here in the Golden State (as well as every other state)…

By the way, that dollar amount listed is the per taxpayer amount annually… (and I bolded the one you’ll be most interested in…) *The formatting on this chart is wider than we have — but it should work okay (the ads don’t cover the numbers on my computer screen, anyways. Read More

Jon Fleischman

VIDEO: Jon Fleischman Interviews Rudy Giuliani

On Saturday, GOP Presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani’s campaign came through Orange County, and provided me with another opportunity to bring the remarks of a Presidential contender to the readers of the FlashReport. Two weeks ago we brought you exclusive footage of Senator John McCain speaking at a fundraiser at the Hyatt Hotel in Irvine, and last week we were on hand to film Governor Mitt Romney as he spoke to supporters at the St. Regis Hotel in Dana Point. We also had a chance to interview Romney in advance of the event.

Thanks to FR friend Katie Levinson, formerly the Communications Director for the re-election campaign of Governor Schwarzenegger, and now a Senior Advisor to the Giuliani for President campaign, I was actually able to… Read More

Stupid Campaign Finance Laws

The idea of banning legislators from fund raising during any give period of time for any given reason is so very very stupid.

It has already been suggested that fund raising for favorite non-profits might also be banned but I was thinking about what other stupid ideas the legislation might need to address…

…can checks be written during the ‘black-out period’ but delivered afterwards?

…can checks be received during the ‘black-out period’ but not deposited until afterwards?

…can a fund raising invitation be distributed during the ‘black-out period’ but for an event afterwards?

…what if funds are donated to the campaign, unsolicited during the ‘black-out period’?

…does having a web page with an on-line donation option constitute fund raising?

…would on-line contribution pages need to be ‘taken down’ during this ‘black-out period’?

…can I as an individual not connected with any campaign collect checks on behalf of a legislator during the ‘black-out period’ and deliver it… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: VIDEO: Jon Fleischman Interviews Rudy Giuliani

On Saturday, GOP Presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani’s campaign came through Orange County, and provided me with another opportunity to bring the remarks of a Presidential contender to the readers of the FlashReport. Two weeks ago we brought you exclusive footage of Senator John McCain speaking at a fundraiser at the Hyatt Hotel in Irvine, and last week we were on hand to film Governor Mitt Romney as he spoke to supporters at the St. Regis Hotel in Dana Point. We also had a chance to interview Romney in advance of the event.

Thanks to FR friend Katie Levinson, formerly the Communications Director for the re-election campaign of Governor Schwarzenegger, and now a Senior Advisor to the Giuliani for President campaign, I was actually able to… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Banning contributions during budget season is a fool’s errand…

There may be a problem with the influence of "special interests" in politics, and by that I mean that those benefiting from government services and spending who are making contributions to elected officials are representing an ever-growing portion of the funds that these officeholders and seekers receive in their campaigns. But that having been said, the solution to the problem is not to set up government prohibitions against these interest groups expressing their freedom of speech (one of the ways you exercise this right is by giving your money to candidates and causes). In fact, under the United States Constitutions, many such bans are constitutional. I would even argue that some of the bans that exist now are not constitutional. Of course, the Supreme Court has rightfully made it clear that no laws can prohibit a candidate from spending freely of their own money in running for office — meaning that all of the restrictions (such as those embodied in the horrific McCain-Feingold federal limits) serve to severely ’tilt’ the playing field in favor of those who can self-fund their own campaigns. Then there is this… Read More