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Jon Fleischman

Ackerman Endorses Larry Dick in AD 60; Larry Dick Announces Campaign Team…

(Cross posted from Red County/OC Blog)

The race for the 60th Assembly District GOP primary is quickly heating up, as the incumbent, Bob Huff, has declared his candidacy for the State Senate, where Dick Margett is retiring due to term limits.

With the largest portion, by far, of this tri-county district (Orange, LA, and San Bernardino Counties) being here behind the Orange Curtain, the fact that Larry Dick is the only announced candidate from "The OC" makes him a very strong candidate to replace Huff. Mike Radlovic over in Los Angeles County was a candidate for only a brief period of time before deciding not to run (so I am told). The only other candidate is Chino Hills Councilman Curt Hagman. Hagman’s first… Read More

Duane Dichiara

Congressional 52 Legal Question

Legal opinion needed:

The Washington Times says Congressman Hunter’s son, Duncan Duane Hunter, may be called back into active duty in the Marines Corps and redeployed. Canhe run for Congress while on active duty?

In the Washington Times he says "if deployed I will run for office as an active duty Marine serving a combat tour".

My reading of the rules indicates that if on active duty he cannot run, cannot solicit votes, and cannot encourage anyone else to run.


Update… well several lawyers calls and emails later the short answer is I don’t have any better idea on any of htisthan I did two hours ago. First, though, I’d point out, none of this matters IF Hunter Jr. is not redeployed or IF he gets back before filing.Read More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

The Coming Calamity: Can It Be Stopped?

I read today about the ambitious agenda in Sacramento and I just shake my head. Democrats and their Governor apparently don’t understand that when a building is on fire, you don’t go outside and plant flowers.

Already we are seeing devastating fissures in State revenues, after several years of record increases. Democrats and their Governor, along with just enough Republicans, have spent ALL of the increased revenue, borrowed more money, placed bonds on the ballot to incur further debt, and raised spending baselines to intolerable levels. Sounds like Gray Davis five years ago, except Arnold has sky high approval for all of this. Must be a better salesman.

I am heartened to see that Sacramento Republicans took the bold, bold step today of saying no to new taxes. What courage! The fact that a "pledge" even has to be signed in the first place is a joke.

All in all, this is shaping up to be a very bleak situation, and given the right dynamics, might be worse than what Gray did to the State from 1999-2003. What shall we say then?

After the Governor lost the special election in 2005 (the highlight of his term was… Read More

Jon Fleischman

John Fund: Fred Thompson to speak to OC Lincoln Club… Then Leno… Big announcement?

But Will They Vote for Him in Vicksburg and Richmond?

Skeptics of a Fred Thompson presidential bid say he would face a daunting task of having to raise $1.5 million a week in order to build a $50 million campaign kitty by the end of the year. Some believe that with so many key GOP fundraisers already locked up, it’s unlikely Mr. Thompson would have the table stakes to get into the presidential game.

But Mr. Thompson has some free media cards to play so long as he is a non-candidate. On May 4, he will travel to Orange County, California to speak at the prestigious Lincoln Club, the political dinner group that has traditionally hosted GOP presidential candidates in what is often called… Read More

Jon Fleischman

AD 73: Hard Charging Harkey

Bleary eyed this morning, I missed OC Register Political Reporter Martin Wisckol’s Buzz column this morning, and it was virtually all devoted to the strong-start of the candidacy of Dana Point Mayor Diane Harkey’s campaign to succeed Mimi Walters as the Assemblywoman in the 73rd District (mostly southern Orange County and some of northern San Diego County).

Wisckol’s column begins:

Diane Harkey is giving a textbook performance of how to clear the field for a state legislative race.

She wants to replace Assemblywoman Mimi Walters, who’ll be termed out next year (unless voters are charmed into extending term limits in the February election). Harkey, currently mayor of Dana Point, comes to the table with these assets:Read More

Matthew J. Cunningham

The Mailed Fist of Mickey Mouse

[This is cross-posted from Red County/OC Blog]:

I spoke today with Anaheim Councilwoman Lorri Galloway about a truly astounding example of the ineptly heavy-hand Disney has been wielding in Anaheim of late.

The Los Angeles Times approached Anaheim Councilwoman Lorri Galloway about doing a profile of her, to which Councilwoman Galloway agreed provided the focus was on Anaheim Resort workers and not her per se. Last Wednesday, the LAT called Galloway and asked if she’d be available for a photographer to shoot to get some shots of her with some Anaheim Resort workers. Ultimately, it was arranged for Galloway and Ada Briceno (head of the hotel workers union UNITE HERE, OC/Long Beach chapter) to meet at the Disneyland Hotel.

According to Lorri Galloway, Briceno and she went into a back area of the hotel to meet with some hospitality workers, while the Times photographer got some shots for the article. Galloway told me Briceno signed them into the back area, and… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Democrats have a new tax just for you! Actually, quite a few…

In case you were wondering if the Democrats in Sacramento are out to reach further into the pockets of every taxpayer in California, here’s a list of tax hike measures introduced by Democrats, moving forward in the legislature right now… Paving the Way for Higher Car Taxes for California Motorists Democrats have introduced several bills to raise the car tax on California motorists, who already are struggling to pay high gas prices.

Senate Bill 240, by Sen. Dean Florez, D-Shafter, would allow an unelected body in the Central Valley to increase the car tax on Valley motorists to as high as $30 – without a vote of the people. They would also be able to impose a new $300-a-year tax on “stationary” sources of air pollution, such as homes, businesses, and farm equipment. Assembly Bill 444, by Asm. Loni Hancock, D-Berkeley, enables two governing bodies in Alameda and Contra Costa … Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Mama’s Don’t Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Politicians

In light of all the latest in the scandal-ridden world the public sees that is the political arena, I thought I would share this campaign poster I ran across at a school campus the other day. The name has of course been left off to protect the…candidate.

Yes, politicians are role models. Young people watch what those that are in charge say and do and ‘learn’ that is how business is done. Like this current early primary/term limit deception isn’t fooling anyone I talk to. This poster reminds me of a statement back in the mid 90’s that, if memory serves, I think Clinton apologist [now Congressman] Rahm Emanuel was saying on one of the Sunday AM news shows in defending the latest Clinton deception then, when he said, "Well, the President has kept all the campaign promises that he intended to." Oh. Thanks Rahm.

At least this candidate for school secretary has tossed in a disclaimer with this head-fake tohis/her schoolmatecolleagues, "You’re not going to Disneyland!"… Read More