Ackerman Endorses Larry Dick in AD 60; Larry Dick Announces Campaign Team…
(Cross posted from Red County/OC Blog)
The race for the 60th Assembly District GOP primary is quickly heating up, as the incumbent, Bob Huff, has declared his candidacy for the State Senate, where Dick Margett is retiring due to term limits.
With the largest portion, by far, of this tri-county district (Orange, LA, and San Bernardino Counties) being here behind the Orange Curtain, the fact that Larry Dick is the only announced candidate from "The OC" makes him a very strong candidate to replace Huff. Mike Radlovic over in Los Angeles County was a candidate for only a brief period of time before deciding not to run (so I am told). The only other candidate is Chino Hills Councilman Curt Hagman. Hagman’s first… Read More