The Ashburn Proposal – What is he thinking?
Republican Senator Roy Ashburn has been a ‘point person’ of sorts for Senate Republicans on redistricting reform, but a controversial proposal that he introduced yesterday, Senate Constitutional Amendment 9, on term-limits, redistricting reform, and bans on fundraising is not legislation that is supported by the Senate Republican Caucus — nor Assembly Republicans for that matter. Specifically, Ashburn’s bill seems to be seeking a ‘middle ground’ to try to achieve sort of compromise. But Ashburn gives away too much to try to move something forward… ALL THREE aspects of Senator Ashburn’s proposed constitutional amendment are flawed… First and foremost, and probably most egregious, is that Ashburn’s proposal includes virtually the same end-run on voter-approved term limits that Speaker Fabian Nunez has been championing himself. According to what I read, this proposal by the Bakersfield Senator would allow for "termed out" legislators to serve at least one more term in the… Read More