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Mike Spence

California Republican Assembly Straw Poll Results: Thompson, Hunter, Romney

Atthe annual CRA Convention,delegates to vote in a "straw poll" for president. Thompson won, Hunter and Romney ties for second. Just a note a candidate needs two-thirds at our endorsing convention in order to win a CRA endorsement. The results:

Fred Thompson (25%) Duncan Hunter (19%) Mitt Romney (19%) Ron Paul (12%) Tom Tancredo (8%) Newt Gingrich (7%) Rudy Guiliani (7%) Sam Brownbeck (3%) Mike Huckabee (0%) Tommy Thompson (0%)

[Publisher’s announcement: The ever-humble Mr. Spence neglects to tell readers that he was re-elected to yet another two-year term as President of the CRA! Congratulations!! Publisher’s Question: I presume McCain also got no votes? Publisher’s note: Giuliani is probably the big winner of this survey. If the CRA can’t solidify behind a single conservative in the primary, the socially moderate former New York Mayor gets a walk… Flash]Read More

Jon Fleischman

GOP Train Wreck Coming Fast – Can we avoid it?

You have to figure that when there are train wrecks, they represent unavoidable, unanticipated situations that result in tragedy. After all, if you knew in advance that there was going to be a train wreck, you would do something about it, right? Well, there is a trainwreck coming for my own Republican Party, and it seems like we should be doing something about it now. If not, I predict that it will be horrible, and ugly, as trainwrecks can be… You see, one of Florida’s United States Senators, Mel Martinez, was elected to be the General Chairman of the Republican National Committee in January. For the most past, Martinez is a solid Republican and his credentials are strong. As a matter of fact, his close relationship with President Bush probably helps the RNC in many respects.

On the other hand, it may be more of a hindrance in some areas, where the RNC needs to make it… Read More

Jon Fleischman

R.I.P. Congresswoman Millander-McDonald

California Congresswoman Juanita Millander-McDonald has passed away today, according to a report from the Associated Press. As we reported last week, McDonald had taken a leave of absence from the House and was battling cancer. Our prayers go out to her family and friends over this horrible loss.

At some point when it is appropriate, the Governor will have to call for a special election to fill out the remainder of her term. That will all be about Democrats, no GOPers need apply in that district.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

CARTOON: There’s something fishy about CA’s new fuel standards…

I am pleased to present this "Guest Cartoon" from FR friend Kevin O’Neill. We’re thinking about including cartoons from Kevin, on California political issues, as a regular feature on the site. Let us know what you think about that, either by commenting below, or e-mailing me – FlashRead More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Water, Water, Everywhere

As the falling rain pings against my window here in North California, I am relieved that it will alleviatesome of the shortage of stored water predicted for this upcoming usage season in California. Dramatic reductions in water delivery, especially to Central Valley agriculture are very likely. Those in the cattle business are lamentingwhat has been the shortest rainfallduring this area’s winter months, [January being one of the driest on record in California]for as long as they can remember, with grazing lands short of foliage and already starting to turn to the summer brown. These rains in recent days can only help.

What else would help is some real action by humans on providing for their own water needs. Relying on rain dances, good luck, or if you’re the 1948 Boston Braves with only 2 reliable pitchers for a7 gameWorld Series, "Spahn and Sain and pray for rain", we canask for Divine intervention every rain year and do nothing with our God-given abilities to help ourselves.

Governor Schwarzenegger has made a firm commitment to building above ground water storage in this state, something we used to do, and do… Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Today’s Commentary: Water, Water, Everywhere

As the falling rain pings against my window here in North California, I am relieved that it will alleviatesome of the shortage of stored water predicted for this upcoming usage season in California. Dramatic reductions in water delivery, especially to Central Valley agriculture are very likely. Those in the cattle business are lamentingwhat has been the shortest rainfallduring this area’s winter months, [January being one of the driest on record in California]for as long as they can remember, with grazing lands short of foliage and already starting to turn to the summer brown. These rains in recent days can only help.

What else would help is some real action by humans on providing for their own water needs. Relying on rain dances, good luck, or if you’re the 1948 Boston Braves with only 2 reliable pitchers for a7 gameWorld Series, "Spahn and Sain and pray for rain", we canask for Divine intervention every rain year and do nothing with our God-given abilities to help ourselves.

Governor Schwarzenegger has made a firm commitment to building above ground water storage in this state, something we used to do, and do… Read More

Barry Jantz

Sunday San Diego…Tax Freedom, Quote of the Week, Notepads & Blackberries, and More

Rider on Tax Freedom Day… The ever-analytical Richard Rider sends along some info from the Tax Foundation on Tax Freedom Day (TFD), and he focuses particularly on California. We’re losing ground (no surprise there), with this year’s TFD on April 30 butCA’s a week later.

TFD, of course, is the symbolic day upon which the average person would have paid all their taxes for the year, with the balance of the year their income to keep to themselves, if we paid taxes that way, of course. Given CA is one of the worst state’s in the nation, this info is of particular interest considering the legislature is once again considering an a "softening" of Prop 13.

Rider’s take:

Bad news — we Americans work two more days this year than last, with the nationwide Tax Freedom Day this year being 30 April, 2007. After some tax relief in the early part of the decade, thanks to desperately needed tax cuts (too bad spending mushroomed at the same time), the tax burden is once again rapidly growing.

For Californians, the news is even worse.Read More

Jon Fleischman

Last week Arnold made 37 appointments – only 37% of which were Republicans…

For quite some time, this website tracked all of Governor Schwarzenegger’s appointments — with a careful eye on partisan registration. We ultimately stopped because it was too disappointing. As a Republican Governor, I expected Schwarzenegger (like Wilson, like Deukmejian) to fill his open positions in state government with like-minded Republicans. By setting this standard for the Governor, I found myself being consistenly disappointed. The number of Democrats who have been appointed to judgeships is downright appalling. And on the plethora of non-judicial appointments, it was often the case where barely 50% of any given list (appointments typically are announced in groupings of 10 to 15) were GOPers, with most of the rest being Democrats, and a smattering of appointees to registered as Decline-to-State (one appointee wasn’t registered to vote at all!). I had one FR reader who follows things closely tell me that the numbers are even more misleading as a significant number of the Republican appointments are to positions like local Fair Boards thus ‘inflating’ the GOP numbers… This week, the Governor released two lists… Read More