Today’s Commentary: Passing Thoughts
The FR would like to point out that Sacramento Democrats are extremely consistent. They are willing to work with the Governor and Republican legislators on any project or program as long as it contains one of the following mandatory requirements: a tax increase, borrowing money, or increasing fees. Oh yes, they will also embrace projects that including increasing regulation or adding mandates to the lives of Californians or their businesses. As everyone trumpets the successful ‘solution’ to the prison overcrowding problem, let’s be real. It was a bitter-sweet victory for GOPers who didn’t want early releases of inmates being ordered by a Judge. Yes, there will be more prisons. But if Republicans had their way, this would have been paid for with general fund dollars. Instead, California taxpayers are going to debtors prison – again. We would like to give a h/t to State Democrats for hosting such a blogger-friendly state convention. From our discussions with lefty bloggers (with whom we disagree on virtually everything), there is clearly an effort being made to reach out and really integrate them into the event, and… Read More