Obama Reaches Out
As I ventured toward my mailbox yesterday, I was consumed by thoughts of what might be there waiting for me inside. Many questions swirled in my head as I opened the small metal door. Would today be that day where I would find something different? Would today finally be the day that would be forever etched on my mind when the phrase "Good Mail Day" is bandied about?
Despite this unbearable pressure I moved forward. Slowly I opened the door, the tension rising as the possibilities of a Mail Day approached that could end up in the highest highs or the lowest lows. As I worked through the handful of mail, I came across something that I never see: a fundraising mailer from Barack Obama for the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee addressed specifically to yours truly. I must commend the crew over at the DSCC for picking me out as a likely donor to Chuck Schumer’s smear shop. The only thing more ridiculous would have been a request from the horrid Barbara Boxer. Maybe the Senate campaigns I have given to over the years tipped them off to my inner leftist liberal hidden deep down inside my cold cold heart. Here they are:
Rick… Read More