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Jon Fleischman

Flash with the Assembly GOP Leader

Okay, okay. After some e-mails for pictures, I’ve slowed down long enough to pull one off of the camera. I stopped in to chat with Assembly Republican Leader Mike Villines yesterday… … Read More

Banning Earth, Wind and Fire

On Tuesday Orange County Register columnist Frank Mickadeit wrote about the failed effort of state senator Jenny Oropeza to ban outdoor smoking on state beaches and in state parks. Mickadeit who is most concerned that enjoying a cigar on the beach could become illegal, quipped that had Oropeza found the votes for her bill he would have unleashed me on an "Oropeza Oppresses Girl Scouts" campaign. The reason…camp fires are far more noxious and produce much more lung damaging toxins. Perhaps camp fires are next?

The following well illustrates what my message/campaign would look like if I were to run such an effort.

Just in case the Senator decides to bring the issue back…she knows what she could be up against.… Read More

Tab Berg

Presidential debate – Surprises, spin or more ho-hum

FIrst the debate won’t really change anything — Guiliani, McCain and Romney will still be the front-runners tomorrow (with Fred Thompson as a popular, undeclared alternative). Bottom line is that they have the money, organization and support to win votes and compete nationally.

There were no real losers. Everyone looked credible and serious — and, other than Cong. Ron Paul, mostly agreed on the issues.

While I have been impressed with Giuliani as a solid front-runner, Romney got the biggest boost from his performance at the just concluded Presidential debate. And, this being his de jure introduction to the nation, the time could not have been better for his campaign.

Romney looked Presidential, handled questions with aplomb and gave credible responses to critiques that he’d flipped on key issues.

McCain made no fatal mistakes — but hit no long drives either.

Rudy looked tentative and seemed to stumble overRead More

Jon Fleischman

U.S. Term Limits to announce legal challenge to AG Brown’s biased Title and Summary of the Term Limits Weakening Measure…

In was really no surprise that long time California ‘insider’ Attorney General Jerry Brown, the former California Governor and Oakland Mayor used his office to pen an extremely biased Title and Summary for the Term Limits Weakening Measure that is being supported by termed-out legislative leaders Don Perata and Fabian Nunez. U.S. Term Limits is used to having to battle entrenched incumbents, who have used every means at their disposal to not have their legislative careers cut short by term limits reforms. So it is with a strong record of standing up to these entrenched politicians that tomorrow representatives of U.S. Term Limits will hold a press conference (10 am, the Hyatt Hotel across from the State Capitol) to announce litigation to take Brown’s chosen, biased wording to court. You have to wonder what Title and Summary Brown will put on two other ballot measures that may appear in February — one to end tax-free per diem payments for legislators, and the other to significant reign in the ability of… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Marian Bergeson saves the streak!

I am flying to Sacramento this morning to participate in a forum to discuss whether DTS voters should be participating in selecting delegates to the RNC convention (of course they shouldn’t!).

Every time I fly to and fro from the Capitol City, for a few years now, there is always some familiar face (or ten) on my flight. This morning I was able to say hello to former California Education Secretary and State Senator Marian Bergeson. She flying up for a California Transportation Commission meeting – she is a member…

We’ll see if anyone of note is on my late afternoon flight tomorrow afternoon!… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Bill Jones will head McCain’s CA Efforts…

U.S. Senator John McCain’s presidential campaign today announced that former California Secretary of State Bill Jones will serve as chairman of the Arizona Senator’s campaign in the state of California.

As chairman, Jones will take the lead on Senator McCain’s political outreach and use his years of statewide experience on major issues to help advise a successful statewide effort.

Bill Jones served as California’s Secretary of State from 1995 to 2003 where he was widely credited for the success of his groundbreaking election and campaign finance reforms. Jones served in the California State Assembly from 1983 to 1995 where he was elected Republican leader in the assembly in 1991. A respected leader on agricultural and water issues, Jones also successfully authored California’s famous "Three Strikes and You’re Out" tough on crime law (Proposition 184). Bill Jones was elected as the state’s Republican Party nominee for the U.S. Senate in 2004.

**There is more – click the link**Read More

Jon Fleischman

Commonwealth Club Forum – Should DTS voters be able to participate in the GOP Presidential Primary?

Tomorrow, in Sacramento, the Commonwealth Club of California is hosting an hour-long forum on whether or not the California Republican Party should allow Decline-To-State voters to cast ballots in the GOP Presidential primary.

There are four panelists — representing the school of thought that DTS voters should be allowed will be former CRP Chairman Duf Sundheim and former Secretary of State Bruce McPherson, and representing the opposite point of view will be Assembly Elections Committee Vice Chairman Anthony Adams and… me!

There are still a few seats available for what promises to be an entertaining program. If you are interested in attending, here is the location (right next to the Capitol): Library and Courts Building, Room 500, 914 Capitol Mall.

If you would like to attend, RSVP here. The remaining seats will undoubtedly go quickly..… Read More

Shawn Steel

Illegals play Capture the Flag

The UC College Republicans continue to undermine the Politically Correct crowd by engaging in political theater.These games are led by newly elected CCR state chairman Ryan Clumpner.

There really hasn’t been good political theater since the 60’s on campuses. The Left is dead among student everywhere, except among the hardened remorseless tenured Marxists.

The theater will feature a "friendly" game of capture the flag [ American?]. The teams are between the "illegals" vs. ICE [ or La Migra]. The rules are as follows:

1. Illegals must outnumber ICE members. 2. ICE must tie their hands behind their backs. 3. ICE must play defense at all times. 4. "Amnesty" will be granted to all tagged Illegals. 5. all other rules apply only to ICE.

The event is in response to an “Immigrant Rights Classroom Walkout” organized by campus leftists on May Day.

The game is May 1at 12:00 noon on the Memorial Union patio, at UC Davis.

Let the games begin in all campuses.… Read More