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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Ackerman Shows Leadership On Health Care – While Others Call For Massive Government-Growth Healthcare Proposals

Steve Burd, the Chairman of the Board of Safeway stores, should be ashamed of himself. Why? Because the Safeway chain of stores was founded and was able to grow into a massive company because of the free market system, and a form of government in this country that is geared towards limiting the role of government. Now Burd has decided that businesses, large and small, all across California, should be burdened with new employer-based mandates on healthcare, and apparently believes that healthcare for Californians will somehow improve by going down the path of countries such as Great Britain and Canada.

Burd is leading a group called the Coalition to Advance Healthcare Reform, which is made up of big businesses that have apparently decided to throw in with efforts of Democrats in Sacramento to inject government mandates and rules into a government-directed healthcare ‘solution’, aided by a Governor who has proposed billions of dollars in tax increases, and has taken to using the phrase "shared responsibility" as a moniker for saying that it is the government, not individuals, who are responsible for their health and health care. … Read More

Shawn Steel

Packing Heat at the LA Central Com : War at the 37th

It’s only recent that County Central committees could vote to formally endorse candidates. Forever, it was not kosher for Republican leaders to endorse or throw official party weight behind candidates before the Primary. The thinking was to allow the Republican voter to have exclusive power over determining nominees.The LACRCC continued the tradition by not endorsing anyone for the Special Election in the 37th CD.

Well, it was certainly hot at the LA Rep Central Com meeting last Wednesday night. At issue was who to endorse for the June 26, special election of recently deceased Congresswoman Juanita Millender-McDonald . Withterm limitedCalifornia, the only ‘permanent" political jobs are Federal Congressmen. Meaning, once you get elected it’s a literally lifetime job.

But candidate "Bishop" Guillory, a minister made a strong impression. Flanked with 6 body guards, each with blue tooth, some armed and otherssun glasses. It was already known that the minister was a convicted felon who served 8.5 years in state prison for kidnapping. Oh well, you got to do what you got to do. When Guillory began to speak, two of his… Read More

Jill Buck

The Green Machine (Part II)

A quick follow-up on the story I wrote yesterday regarding the multi-state agreement California has entered into with four other states to curb carbon emissions via carbon taxes and/or a cap and trade market.

Besides our Governor, the other four states’ governors (AZ, NM, OR, WA) are Democrats.

Two of our neighboring states, poised to welcome businesses that move shop fromCalifornia and it’s carbon reductionpartners (Nevada and Idaho), have Republican governors.

I would love to see headlines demonstrating some intra-party work between our Governor and his fellow Republicans in Nevada and Idaho to either get them to join the carbon club, or strike some sort of deal that will lessen the chance that our businesses move to those states.… Read More

Carl Fogliani

Pombo Won’t Run in CD 11-Charts New Course

Former Congressman Richard Pombo announced he will not seek election again in the 11th congressional district. Pombo is now a senior partner with public affairs firm PacWest and will serve as honorary Chairman for Partnership for America, which will allow him to continue his fight for conservative environmental and energy solutions with the same type of organization (a 501C4) that was used by his political enemies to defeat him last election.

Pombo’s announcement clears the way for CD 11 contenders Dean Andal and Guy Houston to get the ball rolling on their campaigns to take on first term Congressman McNerney.

Watching Richard Pombo and his dedication to conservative values up close is something I will always consider a special moment in my own political career. Here’s wishing him all the best in these new endeavors. He has been a courageous leader who did great things for the Central Valley and had the courage of his convictions to stand for what was right when many would have taken the path of least resistance. In his new role, it is obvious that he will still remain the premier voice in America for sensible environmental and energy… Read More

Carl Fogliani

Today’s Commentary: Pombo Won’t Run in CD 11-Charts New Course

Former Congressman Richard Pombo announced he will not seek election again in the 11th congressional district. Pombo is now a senior partner with public affairs firm PacWest and will serve as honorary Chairman for Partnership for America, which will allow him to continue his fight for conservative environmental and energy solutions with the same type of organization (a 501C4) that was used by his political enemies to defeat him last election.

Pombo’s announcement clears the way for CD 11 contenders Dean Andal and Guy Houston to get the ball rolling on their campaigns to take on first term Congressman McNerney.

Watching Richard Pombo and his dedication to conservative values up close is something I will always consider a special moment in my own political career. Here’s wishing him all the best in these new endeavors. He has been a courageous leader who did great things for the Central Valley and had the courage of his convictions to stand for what was right when many would have taken the path of least resistance. In his new role, it is obvious that he will still remain the premier voice in America for sensible environmental and energy… Read More

Congressman John Campbell

Illegal Alien Security

Warning: OK, I’m having to keep my desk clear now of any objects that can be thrown. Otherwise, I would be tossing stuff all over the place. The Democratic majority is just going haywire here with their reverence for illegal immigration, increased taxes, union bosses, and trial lawyers. And giving you all a daily dose of what I am seeing back here in Washington may get under your skin too. So, those of you who prefer lower taxes, legal immigration, free markets, and sensible litigation reform, may want to keep your desks cleared too.

Illegal Alien Security: Many of you are upset that the Republican controlled Congress did not do enough to stop illegal immigration. And you are correct, we didn’t. But at least we made some positive headway. This Democratic controlled Congress is moving in the opposite direction. They are putting together a bill to provide a pathway to citizenship for the roughly 12 million illegal immigrants in our country and then plan to give these illegal aliens Social Security benefits derived from their illegal work. Simply amazing.

And there’s more. Last night, the House passed a funding… Read More

Jon Fleischman

California Political Fundraiser Ann Dunsmore tapped as Rudy’s Deputy Campaign Manager

The Giuliani for President campaign is treading on some new ground. While campaign fundraising is an integral (and essential) component of any national campaign for the White House, there is still a natural tendency to ‘wall off’ the fundraising arm of a campaign from the political side. The notion typically is that that fundraising brings IN the resources, and political SPENDS the resources. Well, yesterday Rudolph Giuliani tapped a Californian as a Deputy Campaign Manager, someone who will ‘bridge the gap’ between the finance and political operations.

Ann Dunsmore (pictured to the right) has had a successful career spanning nearly three decades in the world of political (and non-profit) fundraising. Her company, Capitol Campaigns, has a national reputation for their ability to separate donors from their cash on behalf their clients. With offices around California, but also in Manhattan, Ann… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: California Political Fundraiser Ann Dunsmore tapped as Rudy’s Deputy Campaign Manager

The Giuliani for President campaign is treading on some new ground. While campaign fundraising is an integral (and essential) component of any national campaign for the White House, there is still a natural tendency to ‘wall off’ the fundraising arm of a campaign from the political side. The notion typically is that that fundraising brings IN the resources, and political SPENDS the resources. Well, yesterday Rudolph Giuliani tapped a Californian as a Deputy Campaign Manager, someone who will ‘bridge the gap’ between the finance and political operations.

Ann Dunsmore (pictured to the right) has had a successful career spanning nearly three decades in the world of political (and non-profit) fundraising. Her company, Capitol Campaigns, has a national reputation for their ability to separate donors from their cash on behalf their clients. With offices around California, but also in Manhattan, Ann… Read More