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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: No Commentary Today

There is no commentary today, but the main page has been updated with the news on California politics gleaned from our extensive review of MSM news sources. Happy Mothers Day to all!

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Jon Fleischman

Guest Commentary: Bob Huff – Bullying Tactics Fail to Intimidate Assembly Republicans

Late last week, Assembly Speaker Fabian Núñez, acting like a four-year-old moved third-term Assemblyman Todd Spitzer into what is literally the smallest legislative office in the State Capitol. What did Spitzer do to merit being the target of this Núñez "tantrum" ?? Well, I’m not sure what the proverbial straw was that broke the back of the Speaker, but there is no doubt that Spitzer’s multi-year battle against liberal Democrats and their unwillingness to hold individuals responsible for their criminal actions (ultra-liberals belief that these criminals are actually ‘victims’ themselves, of a society that has ‘forced’ them into committing crime). Núñez famously verbally assaulted Spitzer after he wrote on this website a column talking about how Democrats were "pro-criminal" – which, based on their constant rejection of tough-on-criminal legislation, is an accurate label!

Below is an exclusive column from Assembly Republican Caucus Chairman Bob Huff, penned in response to Nunez’ childish action:… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Guest Commentary: Bob Huff – Bullying Tactics Fail to Intimidate Assembly Republicans

Late last week, Assembly Speaker Fabian Núñez, acting like a four-year-old moved third-term Assemblyman Todd Spitzer into what is literally the smallest legislative office in the State Capitol. What did Spitzer do to merit being the target of this Núñez "tantrum" ?? Well, I’m not sure what the proverbial straw was that broke the back of the Speaker, but there is no doubt that Spitzer’s multi-year battle against liberal Democrats and their unwillingness to hold individuals responsible for their criminal actions (ultra-liberals belief that these criminals are actually ‘victims’ themselves, of a society that has ‘forced’ them into committing crime). Núñez famously verbally assaulted Spitzer after he wrote on this website a column talking about how Democrats were "pro-criminal" – which, based on their constant rejection of tough-on-criminal legislation, is an accurate label!

Below is an exclusive column from Assembly Republican Caucus Chairman Bob Huff, penned in response to Nunez’ childish action:… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Jerry Lewis Should NOT Be In Congress Anymore…

As you will see on the main page, there is another story out there that talks about California Congressman Jerry Lewis being at the center of a criminal probe by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, questioning whether he will soon be indicted. I will be the first one to say that I do not know whether Lewis broke any laws as a Member of Congress — I guess that remains to be seen. But he has certainly broken his commitment to his Party — to support a policy agenda that limits the size and scope of federal authority and spending. But I will tell you this — Jerry Lewis SHOULD NOT be in Congress anymore. This is something that I have said to FR readers before — and I will say it again. The Republican Party need only look in the mirror if we are unable to ‘police ourselves’ when it comes to understanding how we could have a majority in both Houses of Congress, and hold the Presidency, and still preside over unprecedented growth in federal government spending. Of course the blame can be shared by many, but still it seems appropriate, as part… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Jerry Lewis Should NOT Be In Congress Anymore…

As you will see on the main page, there is another story out there that talks about California Congressman Jerry Lewis being at the center of a criminal probe by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, questioning whether he will soon be indicted. I will be the first one to say that I do not know whether Lewis broke any laws as a Member of Congress — I guess that remains to be seen. But he has certainly broken his commitment to his Party — to support a policy agenda that limits the size and scope of federal authority and spending. But I will tell you this — Jerry Lewis SHOULD NOT be in Congress anymore. This is something that I have said to FR readers before — and I will say it again. The Republican Party need only look in the mirror if we are unable to ‘police ourselves’ when it comes to understanding how we could have a majority in both Houses of Congress, and hold the Presidency, and still preside over unprecedented growth in federal government spending. Of course the blame can be shared by many, but still it seems appropriate, as part… Read More

BREAKING NEWS: Mark Kirk OUT of 1st District Supe Race

H/T to Chino Hills Councilman Curt Hagman for this information which he just posed over at Red County /San Bernardino.

Mark Kirk is a friend, strong Chief of Staff and an intricate part of the unity and historical success of the San Bernardino County GOP and its candidates. With Kirk joining team Mitzelfelt there is no doubt that Brad’s chances of election are much more secure due to Kirk’s extensive campaign resources and experience. This is great news for anyone involved in San Bernardino County politics.

From Councilman Curt Hagman:

I have received an Email from Mark Kirk, Chief of Staff for 4th District County Supervisor Gary Ovitt that I have been given permission to share.

For those who have been watching the 1st District supervisorial race developing, Mark Kirk announced that he was running and would have made a strong competitor. He has been very good for those of us in the 4th district while serving as chief of staff. He has been responsive and creative on helping us solve some of the West End’s

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Jon Fleischman

Ackerman Shows Leadership On Health Care – While Others Call For Massive Government-Growth Healthcare Proposals

Steve Burd, the Chairman of the Board of Safeway stores, should be ashamed of himself. Why? Because the Safeway chain of stores was founded and was able to grow into a massive company because of the free market system, and a form of government in this country that is geared towards limiting the role of government. Now Burd has decided that businesses, large and small, all across California, should be burdened with new employer-based mandates on healthcare, and apparently believes that healthcare for Californians will somehow improve by going down the path of countries such as Great Britain and Canada.

Burd is leading a group called the Coalition to Advance Healthcare Reform, which is made up of big businesses that have apparently decided to throw in with efforts of Democrats in Sacramento to inject government mandates and rules into a government-directed healthcare ‘solution’, aided by a Governor who has proposed billions of dollars in tax increases, and has taken to using the phrase "shared responsibility" as a moniker for saying that it is the government, not individuals, who are responsible for their health and health care. … Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Ackerman Shows Leadership On Health Care – While Others Call For Massive Government-Growth Healthcare Proposals

Steve Burd, the Chairman of the Board of Safeway stores, should be ashamed of himself. Why? Because the Safeway chain of stores was founded and was able to grow into a massive company because of the free market system, and a form of government in this country that is geared towards limiting the role of government. Now Burd has decided that businesses, large and small, all across California, should be burdened with new employer-based mandates on healthcare, and apparently believes that healthcare for Californians will somehow improve by going down the path of countries such as Great Britain and Canada.

Burd is leading a group called the Coalition to Advance Healthcare Reform, which is made up of big businesses that have apparently decided to throw in with efforts of Democrats in Sacramento to inject government mandates and rules into a government-directed healthcare ‘solution’, aided by a Governor who has proposed billions of dollars in tax increases, and has taken to using the phrase "shared responsibility" as a moniker for saying that it is the government, not individuals, who are responsible for their health and health care. … Read More