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Jon Fleischman

FACT CHECK: The Nunez Perata Term Limits Measure SUBSTANTIALLY WEAKENS Existing Limits

Senate President Pro-tem Don Perata and Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez are required to retire at the end of next year, as they will have reached the limit of their service in the legislature under the voter approved term limits in our State Constitution. So, with a supreme interest in emphasizing the CAREER in "career politician" they are working to place a measure on the February ballot to severely WEAKEN term limits and substially extend their own legislative careers, among others. The sad reality, however, is that Perata and Nunez are facing an electorate that is HOSTILE to weakening term limits. In an act of total hubris, they are actually trying to say that their measure strengthens term limits. How laughable. Consider these points:

Legislative term limits for Assemblymembers would be doubled, from six years to twelve years. For Senators, they could serve a third term thus extending their allowing time in the upper chamber by 50%. 24 … Read More

Mike Spence

Will 88 vote lead for GOP Burns hold up? 10600 votes left to be counted!

I just got off the phone with Doug Boyd, The CRP Regional Vice-Chair for Los Angeles County. There are about 10,600 outstanding ballots in the race for LA Community College. That race currently has Roy Burns with a LA County currently has 4 observers. Good thing Doug is a lawyer with some knowledge of this stuff. The breakdown is as follows: Approximately 2800 provisional ballots, 3500 vote by mail turned in on election day, 2300 vote by mail not counted in the first count and another 2000 “snags”. … Read More

Jon Fleischman

Western CPAC 2007 – Sign Up Now!

Where will YOU be on October 12th and 13th?

I would like to cordially invite you to join me at the 2007 Western Conservative Political Action Conference being held right here in California! This conference, a sister to the wildly successful CPAC conferences in Washington, D.C., will be an exciting opportunity for conservative leaders and activists from the Western United States to come together to hear from great speakers, engage in discussions on the important issues of the day, and organize so that conservatives can have the greatest amount of influence for the coming national, state and local elections! President Reagan’s eldest son, Michael, a reknowned talk-show host and conservative leader in his own right, is the General Chairman for this event, and will be on hand playing a primary role… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Western CPAC 2007 – Sign Up Now!

Where will YOU be on October 12th and 13th?

I would like to cordially invite you to join me at the 2007 Western Conservative Political Action Conference being held right here in California! This conference, a sister to the wildly successful CPAC conferences in Washington, D.C., will be an exciting opportunity for conservative leaders and activists from the Western United States to come together to hear from great speakers, engage in discussions on the important issues of the day, and organize so that conservatives can have the greatest amount of influence for the coming national, state and local elections! President Reagan’s eldest son, Michael, a reknowned talk-show host and conservative leader in his own right, is the General Chairman for this event, and will be on hand playing a primary role… Read More

Carl Fogliani

Dean Andal is in Against McNerney

Former Assemblyman, BOE Member and current Lincoln Unified School Board Trustee Dean Andal has filed a statement of candidacy with the Federal Election Commission and will announce his campaign today to replace Jerry McNerney. Andal is a solid conservative who will run on "citizen Reagan principles" to return this seat to it’s rightful place.

Andal will have strong advantages in this race, particularly geography with what will more than likely be a strongly unified front out of San Joaquin County. Andal will no doubt have the strong local GOP big donors in Stockton behind him and is known for having been an instrumental player in pushing voter registration and expanding the Republican bench in winning local offices.

Meanwhile, McNerney is doing everything he can to promote himself around the district to save the only real job he’s had in a long time. Unfortunately for him, he must speak at these events and readers should stay tuned for some very interesting perspectives bandied about by him on the stump.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Measure to impose Legislative Gift Ban gets Title & Summary from AG

There is no doubt that members of the California State Legislature LOVE being in office. So much so that a great many of them would like to extend their time in office well beyond that which is allowable under the current voter-approved term limits (3 two-year terms in the Assembly, 2 four-year terms in the State Senate). As everyone knows, Senate President Don Perata and Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez are using a vast paid signature gathering effort to place on the February ’08 ballot a measure that would SIGNIFICANTLY WEAKEN term limits. Right now 30% of the elected members of the State Assembly would be forced out of office next year, and 45% of the elected State Senators would be sent packing. If the Perata/Nunez sham plan is passed by voters (they have the nerve to couch this as a measure that would ‘strengthen’ term limits), NO legislator in Sacramento will be forced out of office — everyone gets more time. As a matter of fact, President Pro-Tem Perata would be able to serve until 2012, and Speaker Nunez until 2014!

Why is it that legislators want to stay in office so bad? Why is it that they cannot pass the baton so that other… Read More

Mike Spence

60th AD Update: Radlovic endorses Curt Hagman

Chino Hills Councilman Curt Hagman has picked up the endorsement of businessman and former Chair of the San Gabriel Valley Lincoln Club Mike Radlovic. Radlovic was a possible candidate until a couple of weeks ago. See previous post here with link to the others on this race here. I spoke with Radlovic on the phone. He explained that while he like Larry Dick and thinks he is a good candidate he had to go with Hagman. To quote Radlovic directly, “I don’t make the rules, but cash is king. In the end Hagman will have the cash.”

We will see when the June 30 filings go public.Read More

Duane Dichiara

Terror’s Apologist: Congressman Ron Paul

In tonight’s Republican Presidential nomination debate Texas Congressman Ron Paul (R-Texas)stated quite clearly that he believed 9-11and the murders of thousands of innocent Americanswere the fault of the United States of America’s foreign policy. Giuliani, clearly stunned by this opinion, gave Congressman Paul the opportunity to recant, which he refused to do.

Congressman Paul should apologize to the American people and drop out of the race. His opinions mirror those of the terrorists themselves, and justify their actions. He should face a primary from a Republicanwho does not believe we brought 9-11 on ourselves.… Read More