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Duane Dichiara

Terror’s Apologist: Congressman Ron Paul

In tonight’s Republican Presidential nomination debate Texas Congressman Ron Paul (R-Texas)stated quite clearly that he believed 9-11and the murders of thousands of innocent Americanswere the fault of the United States of America’s foreign policy. Giuliani, clearly stunned by this opinion, gave Congressman Paul the opportunity to recant, which he refused to do.

Congressman Paul should apologize to the American people and drop out of the race. His opinions mirror those of the terrorists themselves, and justify their actions. He should face a primary from a Republicanwho does not believe we brought 9-11 on ourselves.… Read More

Mike Spence

Robert Salladay to Leave Los Angeles Times

LA Observed has on it’s website a list of all the employees at the Los Angeles Times that may be taking severance packages to leave. This necessary because more and more people for good reasonaren’t reading the LA Times,. See list here. One that is listed as confirmedis the LA Times Sacramento reporter that writes the Political Muscle Blog for them, Robert Salladay. The Times has hard a hard time finding an online voice for their political coverage. Losing Salladay will add to their woes.

I do wonder if I could get a buyout from FlashReport. Maybe someone out there will pay me not to write? Anyone?… Read More

Jon Fleischman

RollCall: “Support Erodes for Doolittle”

The article below appears today in Roll Call, the "newspaper of Capitol Hill" — note that the article references that Congressman Doolittle has been "arming" his supporters with ‘talking points. FR was able to get a copy of those, and they are attached as a .pdf at the bottom of this post.

SUPPORT ERODES FOR DOOLITTLE By David M. Drucker Roll Call Staff May 15, 2007Read More

Jon Fleischman

Tuesday Thoughts…

The Governor’s proposed budget spends too much. First and foremost is the ongoing deficit spending where expenditures under the proposal outpace projected income. But even if the budget where balanced, it is still bloated. Our "fitness Governor" needs to turn the flabby government into something more firm. In some respects I feel back for the Governor — as news headlines today show him taking flack from the left and the right on this budget. Of course, we’re all wishing Arnold 1.0 would return — because our state despirately needs structural reform, and significant downsizing in its size and scope. Need some talking points on what is going on with Congressman John Doolittle and the feds? His people are distributing some for you. There is an article by David Drucker in Roll Call today on Doolitte’s challenges (and potential challengers) — which we’ve posted on the blog page. We also attached your talking points! Speaking of downsizing… At the risk of inflating his ego, I actually thought that one of Assembly Speaker spokesman Steve Maviglio’s "come… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Tuesday Thoughts…

The Governor’s proposed budget spends too much. First and foremost is the ongoing deficit spending where expenditures under the proposal outpace projected income. But even if the budget where balanced, it is still bloated. Our "fitness Governor" needs to turn the flabby government into something more firm. In some respects I feel back for the Governor — as news headlines today show him taking flack from the left and the right on this budget. Of course, we’re all wishing Arnold 1.0 would return — because our state despirately needs structural reform, and significant downsizing in its size and scope. Need some talking points on what is going on with Congressman John Doolittle and the feds? His people are distributing some for you. There is an article by David Drucker in Roll Call today on Doolitte’s challenges (and potential challengers) — which we’ve posted on the blog page. We also attached your talking points! Speaking of downsizing… At the risk of inflating his ego, I actually thought that one of Assembly Speaker spokesman Steve Maviglio’s "come… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Measure to impose Legislative Gift Ban gets Title & Summary from AG

There is no doubt that members of the California State Legislature LOVE being in office. So much so that a great many of them would like to extend their time in office well beyond that which is allowable under the current voter-approved term limits (3 two-year terms in the Assembly, 2 four-year terms in the State Senate). As everyone knows, Senate President Don Perata and Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez are using a vast paid signature gathering effort to place on the February ’08 ballot a measure that would SIGNIFICANTLY WEAKEN term limits. Right now 30% of the elected members of the State Assembly would be forced out of office next year, and 45% of the elected State Senators would be sent packing. If the Perata/Nunez sham plan is passed by voters (they have the nerve to couch this as a measure that would ‘strengthen’ term limits), NO legislator in Sacramento will be forced out of office — everyone gets more time. As a matter of fact, President Pro-Tem Perata would be able to serve until 2012, and Speaker Nunez until 2014!

Why is it that legislators want to stay in office so bad? Why is it that they cannot pass the baton so that other… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Bill Leonard: Memo to Delaine Eastin — You Lost!

I "lifted" this item from State Board of Equalization Member Bill Leonard’s e-newsletter:

***Memo to Eastin: You Lost*** Kudos to Assemblyman Michael Duvall (R-Yorba Linda – pictured to the right)) for holding the Department of Education’s feet to the fire. The San Jose Mercury News reports that Duvall has been pressing the department for details how they are paying for the attorneys that have thus far not succeeded in prevailing against a department whistleblower. The department says $4 million has been set aside just to pay for private attorneys to defend the department and former Superintendent of Public InstructionRead More

Jon Fleischman

Trung Nguyen Appeal Denied

For those folllowing the case, I just posted over at the Red County/OC Blog that today the Appelate Court denied Trung Nguyen’s writ to have the election results reviewed by the higher court.… Read More