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Katy Grimes

YUGE Election Fraud in California To Be Investigated

President Donald Trump announced last evening an investigation into election and voter fraud is coming. “I will be asking for a major investigation into VOTER FRAUD, including those registered to vote in two states, those who are illegal and even those registered to vote who are dead (and many for a long time). Depending on results, we will strengthen up voting procedures!” Trump tweeted.

This is music to the ears of many California voters –… Read More

Katy Grimes

Gov. Jerry Brown Talks; President Donald Trump Does

While America’s new President Donald Trump was busy signing Executive Orders to boost energy independence and jobs in the United States, California Governor Jerry Brown was busy promising upcoming battles with Republican-controlled Washington, and used his 2017 State of the State address to double down on California’s regressive “progressive” policies.

On the heels of revealing faulty budget math that resulted in an additional $1.6 billion budget deficit, Brown dug his heels in today and… Read More

Radical Weather Underground protests Trump Inauguration

Last week, like thousands of American patriots from all over the country, couple of hundred from California, friends and I attended festivities and celebrations of democracy during the Presidential Inauguration in Washington DC by witnessing the Oath of Office given to our 45th President Donald J. Trump, and Vice President Mike Pence. Most of you, have seen on social media, TV, print news or heard on radio what wen on at our Nation’s capital. To me was an incredible experience, even though I had attended other Inaugurations before, but this one was very special because of the circumstances, negativism, anger that went against our Republican nominee during the entire Presidential… Read More

Ray Haynes

Work, Not Registration, Is Destiny

Did you know that, in 1980, Democrats has 80% higher registration in California, 6.04 million Democrats to 3.94 million Republicans. Today, that registration advantage is 60%, 8.7 million Democrats to 5.04 million Republicans. In 1980, Ronald Reagan received 4.52 million votes, 500,000 more than Republican registration. In 2016, Donald Trump received 4.4 million votes, 550,000 fewer than registration. In 1980, Republicans had an active campaign for President. In 2016, they did not.

In 1984, Republicans pulled 800,000 more than registration, and the number of registered Republicans increased by 800,000. Not only were Republicans winning elections on work and principle, they were winning over the voters, increasing registration at historically greater numbers.

Of course, in 1980, there were only 1.4 million voters other than Democrats or Republicans, today, there are 5.64 million (600,000 more than registered Republicans), but why is that?

Before 1990, Republicans typically outperformed registration. No one can contend that Reagan outperformed registration because he was a moderate. He has defined conservatism for a generation. He also defined what… Read More

Jon Coupal


As I write this, it is raining in Sacramento. Pouring, actually. And even though I live about 200 yards from the Sacramento River, I have confidence that the levees within the city limits are in good shape. (As well they should be given that Sacramento’s flood control agency collects millions of dollars from local property owners annually to keep them maintained).

In a word, California is wet. Rain totals and snowpack measurements are the highest we’ve seen in about a decade. But despite the fact that flood gates at major dams throughout the state are now open, levies have been breached and there is serious flooding in both Southern California and the Central Valley, the State Water Resources Control Board refuses to declare the drought over.

As taxpayer advocates in a high tax state, we’re accustomed to seeing a political motivation in most statements coming from government. But this time, we’re not alone. Local water officials gave the State Water Resources Control Board an earful last week about the failure to call the drought over. A representative of the California Water Association, an organization comprised of local water districts, noted that the… Read More

State Sen. Joel Anderson

Why I’m opposing Rep. Xavier Becerra for CA Attorney General

I’m opposing Rep. Xavier Becerra’s appointment as California’s Attorney General.

Californians deserve better than a top law enforcement officer who wants to protect illegal alien drunk drivers. As a supporter of sanctuary cities, that’s exactly what Congressman Becerra wants to do.

In last Tuesday’s Assembly Special Committee hearing Congressman Becerra repeatedly told Assemblyman Gallagher to have some beers with him to talk about important issues. He offered the same invitation to Senator Berryhill in yesterday’s Senate Rules Committee hearing.

Congressman Becerra wants California to shield illegal alien drunk drivers from deportation. For someone who sees alcohol as a solution to tough questions, it’s understandable that he doesn’t grasp the serious threat his position poses to public safety. I do understand it, and that’s why I oppose his confirmation.

A review of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) data by the Center for Immigration Policy in 2015 clearly shows that Sanctuary… Read More

Katy Grimes

Fraudulent Protests and Paid Protestors Are Mocking Free Speech

Across America media outlets are promoting various planned marches, rallies and “protests” for President-elect Donald J. Trump’s inauguration January 20. Project Veritas this week exposed numerous radical groups organizing attacks, planning to incite violence, create transportation shut downs, and commit acts of domestic terrorism during the Deploraball January 19, as well as the Presidential Inauguration January 20.

The Washington Times reported Tuesday that ads offering activists up to $2,500 per month to protest the inaugural of President-elect Donald Trump were running in more than two dozen cities, posted by a company called Demand Protest, run Fox News’ Tucker Carlson exposed this group as fake on his show this week. But there are other groups advertising on Craig’s List offering protest jobs.

More likely these faux protestors will be paid $15 per hour, and receive transportation, food and hotel costs.

In 2015, I did a series… Read More

Edward Ring

Environmentalism Provides Moral Cover for New Taxes to Fund Pensions

There are two intertwined themes that define unionized government in California. First, funding government retiree pensions will soak up every new source of tax revenue they will ever collect. Second, cloaking new taxes and fees – and new agencies – in the virtuous raiment of environmentalism will deflect criticism and demonize critics. Here’s why:

Now that Democrats have a super-majority in California’s state legislature, expect to see plentiful new taxes to pile onto the$5.0 billion in new state and local taxesthat were approved by voters on November 8th. After all,California’s projected 2017-18 state budgetstill has a $1.6 billion deficit. And that’s nothing. Here is a look what sort of deficit challenges California’s state and local governments are actually facing:

California State/Local Pension Funds Consolidated Est. Funding Status and Required Contributions at Various ROI

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