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Jon Fleischman



US Term Limits, the nation’s leading term limits advocacy organization, yesterday announced it was inaugurating the "Golden Pig" Award for individual California politicians whose misconduct in office remind us of the necessity for term limits. Recipients are elected officials who have repeatedly acted in an arrogant and self-serving manner, gorged themselves on political perks, betrayed the public trust and demonstrated contempt for the voters who elected them.Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: DON PERATA: THE GOLDEN PIG


Trophy Awarded to Legislature’s Ultimate Perk Addict

US Term Limits, the nation’s leading term limits advocacy organization, yesterday announced it was inaugurating the "Golden Pig" Award for individual California politicians whose misconduct in office remind us of the necessity for term limits. Recipients are elected officials who have repeatedly acted in an arrogant and self-serving manner, gorged themselves on political perks, betrayed the public trust and demonstrated contempt for the voters who elected them.Read More

Jon Fleischman

Kevin McCarthy: The “Energizer Bunny”

I’m in Sacramento today… And so is Congressman Kevin McCarthy. Kevin is far from the U.S. Capitol, and hundreds of miles from his hometown of Bakersfield…

I ran into the former Assembly Republican Leader at a luchtime fundraising event for FR friend and Assemblyman Van Tran over at the Esquire Grill. It was a great event, and it was a pleasure to spend some time there with Jon Coupal, President of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association. We did have a few Assembly candidates here including Paul Heygi (Tran’s CoS) who is running in the 10th AD, Robert Rau in the 15th, andJohn Patein the 64th – the latter two being chaperoned by political consultant/icon Tim Clark (who is Tran’s consultant as well).

McCarthy and I had a few minutes to chat about his engaged role with the National Republican Congressional Committee. He is very focused on working to re-attain the majority for Republicans.

Later tonight, the "Energizer Bunny" has his own fundraising event here in Sacramento…… Read More

Mike Spence

Beer & Politics: 37th Congressional District Debate

Beer & Politics is actually the name of a monthly meeting started by the Long Beach Junior Chamber of Commerce. I guess the Senior Chamber of Commerce must have an Ensure & Politics meeting. This month featured the candidates for the special election in the 37th Congressional District. The major Dems (Oropeza, Richardson, McDonald) showed up, as did one of four Republicans, Long Beach cop and war Veteran John Kanaley. You can hear audio of the event at here. You can see another article on the event here.The election is June 26th. … Read More

Mike Spence

Emmerson, Cook, Horton, Democrats Vote to Ban Global Tanning.

In California minors can’t get a tan at a tanningsalonwithout parental permission. That isn’t good enough for some legislators that have now voted to pass AB 105. AB 105 would prohibit teenagers from certain kinds of tanning, because apparently their parents are to stupid and/or don’t care for them like the nanny staters in the State Assembly do.

Three Republicans voted to save cheerleaders, the worldand other at risk teens from their parent’s permission to tan. (Cook, Emmerson he is a co-sponsor, and Horton) One Democrat to her credit voted no (Galgiani)

No word on when Cook, Emmerson, Horton or the Dems will prohibit teenagers from sunbathing at beaches or swimming pools.… Read More

Mike Spence

GOP LA Community College Candidate Roy Burns Lost by 238 Votes. Did New Majority funding priorities make the difference?

While leading by 88 votes after election, the final count is in and GOP Candidate Roy Burns lost by 238 votes out of over 130,000 votes cast. See previous post here.

Read how the New Majority spent $170,000 to help a Democrat win by 20 points and gave ZERO to Roy Burns here.

It should be pointed out that the Republican Party of Los Angeles County did endorse Burns and the Los Angeles County Lincoln Clubs did contribute to his campaign.

You can read the New Majority Political Consultant’s retort that giving money to Deomcrats and none to Republicans is putting "Kids over Politics" here.Read More

Barry Jantz

SD Mayor: Will Francis take on Sanders?

An interesting piece in VoiceofSanDiego today about AMN Healthcare Exec and former mayoral candidate Steve Francis, including his ongoing efforts to better City Hall and keep his name in play for the future. Francis foes — of course — say such activism is only about thelatter, but as I’ve opined before, positive efforts regarding the City of SD are welcome, regardless of any personal agenda that may also be gained in the process.

The VoSD entry by Evan McLaughlin may focus a bit too much for Francis’ tastes on whether he will take on sitting Mayor Jerry Sanders, but as long as Steve is leaving that option open, the questions are bound to be the focus of any media story.

A friend and local consultant provides the quote in the article that truly hits home, politically, whether one likes the reality or not:

"I don’t expect anyone to run against the mayor. And frankly, anyone thinking about it doesn’t have good political acumen," said Jennifer Jacobs, a Republican political strategist. In reference to Francis, Jacobs added: "I think he would make a great mayor, butRead More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Local Electeds Send Message to Fresno Unified Board

If you’ve been following the saga of Fresno Unified School District at all, you know that the current Board President, Carol Mills, is involved in an ongoing cold war with the Superintendent, Michael Hanson. Hanson just happens to be one of the best School District CEOs in the United States, and nothing makes the teachers unions more angry than competent District leadership.

Mills is a micromanaging proxy for teachers union President Larry Moore, so there is no surprise about the tension. And if Hanson gets run out of town, there will be hell to pay for not only Mills, but the Board members that have been foolishly supporting her in the face of a growing public resentment of her conduct and a grand jury report to back it up..

Now several elected officials have weighed in, with a diplomatic, yet to the point letter, which asks Mills to get her act together. Although I would have like to have seen stronger language, it is gratifying to see… Read More